Feeling Guilty!

okay so I just started back on my diet this past Monday since having my son! I've done really well with it all staying uder or right at my calories or working out to work the extra off so I can stay right on track, and today I had a small bowl of raviolis for lunch and my fiance is taking the kids and I out to dinner tonight(we usually do on fridays) and I already looked up and put down what I will be eating and how much just so I know what I can have and how much, and when I did that it put me at -66 which I plan on working out before so I know I don't go over my limitl, but for some reason I feel soooooo guilty about eating my dinner tonight and I haven't even ate it yet! I have been on a 1,000 cal. Diet all week and I've been ready everyones post saying anything less than 1,200 is not really healthy for you and most def. If you workout also. Which I do I try to burn 200-300 cal. Aday, so today I raised my cal to 1,200 cal. And I feel so guilty about that as well... after I had my daughter I was on the 1,200 cal diet and I dropped weight like nothing so I figured if I went down to 1,000 this time id drop even faster but I'm wondering if that's not true..


  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You are older now than after your first child, and dropping weight too quickly after having a baby only put more stress on your body when it needs to recover the most. If you keep your calories that low, you won't allow your body to recover and it will only make it harder to keep up your energy with 2 little ones.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    If you are only eating 1000 calories and exercising you are not doing your body any favors.

    Your body will actually resist dropping weight because you are not giving it enough fuel, so it's going to hold on to what it has.

    You should be eating an absolute min of 1200 calories a day and if that's the number you are going to go with then you NEED to eat back your exercise calories.

    I used to do 1200 and I hit a lot of plateaus. When I came back to mfp a few months ago I raised my activity level to lightly active and set my loss goal at 1.5 pounds / week so I got 1500 calories and I ate my exercise calories back up to a 1200 net.

    In the past thirteen weeks I've lost an average of 1.9 pounds a week with only one week where I didn't lose anything.

    Trust me. You need to eat more. Fuel your body and it will thank you.
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    Less is not necessarily more in the case of dieting. Unless your BMR is very low (which is unusual unless you are very short) I would get that 1000 is much too low. If you are taking in too few calories you are probably not getting the nutrients/vitamins/proteins that your body needs...not too mention that the more you force yourself to sacrifice, the more likely you are to have binge days.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Anything less than 1200 will put you into starvation mode, making it more difficult to lose weight. It could also cause other complications as well, such as loss of hair, etc... Glad you upped your calories to 1200. Remember also, if you workout, you should eat those calories as well. So if you have a goal of 1200 and your exercise that day burns 200, your daily food allowance would be 1400 calories and you should eat all of those.

    Awesome job pre-planning dinner. It's the only way I've learned that I can stay on track. Don't feel guilty about eating out! It's absolutely ok to go out and enjoy yourself with your family!! And if you workout before-hand and ultimately stay right around your calorie goal for the day, you are doing wonderful! No guilt!! Go out and have fun! :happy:
  • jerzi21
    jerzi21 Posts: 7
    Thank you to all of you! You have. Most def. Helped me out! When I was doing my diet last time(after having my daughter) I allowed myself one cheat day and it was usually on fridays and I did pretty good! I started in jan. At 205 and by my birthday(march) I was down to 170 which I was pretty proud of.. but I kept working out until I got myself down to 155 and I felt GREAT!so I'm hopeing I can do the samething again! Its so hard though because my fiance is a guy who can eat anything and never gains, and my daughter is a growing almost 5yr old who loves to eat and she's so petite also! And I do all of the grocery shopping and cooking and snack time myself and when they eat and eat and eat want to it too..lol.. but thankfully this week I have maintaned myself and haven't snacked at all other than maybe fruits or the hundred cal. Packs..
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Thank you to all of you! You have. Most def. Helped me out! When I was doing my diet last time(after having my daughter) I allowed myself one cheat day and it was usually on fridays and I did pretty good! I started in jan. At 205 and by my birthday(march) I was down to 170 which I was pretty proud of.. but I kept working out until I got myself down to 155 and I felt GREAT!so I'm hopeing I can do the samething again! Its so hard though because my fiance is a guy who can eat anything and never gains, and my daughter is a growing almost 5yr old who loves to eat and she's so petite also! And I do all of the grocery shopping and cooking and snack time myself and when they eat and eat and eat want to it too..lol.. but thankfully this week I have maintaned myself and haven't snacked at all other than maybe fruits or the hundred cal. Packs..

    My husband is the same way. Can eat whatever and not gain. Drives me nuts.