PGX, thumbs up or thumbs down?

If anyone is familliar with PGX, how was your experience...I know it claims to stablilze your glycemic index, reduces cholesterol and loosing weight is an added bonus...all this without the aid of a stimulants. You start off slow with 2 capsules three times a day and then slowly increase as your body adjusts (there is a bit of a gastrointestinal side effect initially) to a maximum of 4-6 capsules three times a day. I haven't seen much of a difference while taking it apart from curbing my cravings for carbs. It's not the cheapest product either...I have ben taking it for four months now...please let me know your experiences with it so I can decide if I want to continue myself...

Thanks in advance!!


  • Wooky77
    I just started using this 2 days ago, so I'll let you know.
  • carey1932
    carey1932 Posts: 55 Member
    My Dr swears by it and suggests it to his patients who are diabetics. He says the added benefit is the weight loss.