New Here!

Hello all!!!
I am Tara and I am on a long journey of weight loss. I have been doing weight watchers for the past 7 weeks and have lost 9lbs so far. I am going to try to switch to this program and see if I can keep losing. I am hoping I can succeed. I am just worried about switching programs, because despite the fact my Weight loss has been slow on Weight Watchers, unlike when I was on it 2 years ago, I am afraid switching programs will ruin my progress. Has anyone else switched from another program to here? I was trying to compare my WW to this site and I have way more calories left at the end of the day then I do points....I just don't want to ruin my progress. I have worked TOO hard to gain back any of my weight. I just had a baby in May and I am finally below my pre-pregnancy weight and I want to keep going down! Do I have to use all of my calories each day Or is that the maximum? Bc I was given 1800 a day and I ate 1300 yesterday and was full. So glad to be here1 Hoping to hear some responses!! =D


  • AvvyLee
    AvvyLee Posts: 2
    Hello and welcome! I too was on Weight Watchers for about 10 weeks and found this site. I like the idea of simple calorie counting vs. points. I've lost an additional 5 lbs since starting, and find that planning your meals in the food journal are the key. If I eat, then journal, it gets me into trouble. Good luck!!
  • tanyadawsonryan
    I tried the new WW for 2 weeks and I didn't lose (BUT it does work great for many people I know). I lost 4lbs on MFP my first week. Some days I eat all of my calories and some days I have 300-500 left over. No one should go below 1200 daily.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    First of all, welcome aboard - you will find alot of amazing people here who will encourage/support you. I can tell you I have never done WW, only MFP. I have lost 52 lbs to date with, 2 lbs to go until my original goal. I have 2 babies myself, so I know what the struggle is to lose the baby weight except mine was college/marriage weight. I didn't gain from my babies. The key to this website is to be brutally honest and get your water intake in. Listen to what MFP gives you - your allowed calories. You can always increase your weight loss from 1 lb/week to 2 lbs/week if you want too which will give you less calories. As long as you follow the program, you will lose (I am living proof of that). No one ever thought I would be able to lose weight either, and here I am 2 lbs away from goal.

    I eat anywhere from 1300 - 1600 calories/day. I am allowed 1300 calories per day and I eat atleast half of my exercise calories back (but that is just me). Everyone is different and loses weight differently. You have to see what works for you. I will add you for extra support/encouragement.
  • supdup1
    supdup1 Posts: 6
    this site is so awesome!! people really pull in for YOU!! plus the tools are awesom and quite honestly with the guides and reports on how you do, its also a great inspiration!! I started on this site by the fererral of my cousin, and i know its just a tool, but 19lbs later( and i started june 26ish ) and here I am!! Keep up the good work!!
  • Desired4life
    Desired4life Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome Tara!

    I'm new as well, I'm from Virginia and I just had a baby April 28th! so we have some things in common! Feel free to add me