wedding nightmare

Hi all

I'm off to a wedding tomorrow - my partner is best man. I last saw the groom 15 yrs ago and have never met the bride. Don't know anyone else. I hope the couple will have a lovely day but as I'm doing MFP and I'm not close to the couple I slightly resent the fact that I will go over my allowance attending a wedding I don't really want to be at.

So, my dilemma - any tips for not over eating at a wedding? There'll be a wedding breakfast i.e. sit down meal at lunch and then in the evening a buffet...

(I hope that doesn't make me sound too awful - an undeserving wedding guest - but I've obviously only been invited because I'm married to the best man! I did try to get out of it but OH was having none of it. Wants me there for moral support while he does his speech...)

advice please!



  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    You obviously wont have much choice about what food you're served, but you might be able to not eat it all, or avoid the dressings, desert etc. On the other hand, it's one day, why not go and enjoy yourself? since you've already said that you don't know anyone, you might find yourself relaxing more to meet all those new people if you don't worry about the food at the same time. Eat until you're full without feeling guilty about it, and leave the rest.

    Loads of people left food at our wedding - partly because there was too much and it was too filling, but also because we served haggis for starter which a lot of people wouldn't eat.

    You can always dance a lot at the reception!
  • Myobi
    Myobi Posts: 129 Member
    Just eat portions. You don't have to eat everything on your plate. I know at my wedding, I didn't check to make sure everyone cleaned their plate at the reception dinner. Not eating everything isn't a slight against anyone. =)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Do your best with portions, keep your water intake up as best you can, and... have fun. It's just one day.
  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    I say create some rules for yourself, something like: At breakfast I'll have the egg dish and no bread. At lunch I will have the meat and the vegetables and will pass on the other stuff. At the actual wedding I will have two glasses of wine. If you work out (maybe early in the morning), you probably won't go way over your calories, and you won't have to worry about exactly how many calories are in each dish.
  • curryinahurry
    curryinahurry Posts: 83 Member
    Just have fun and start back on your program the next day.

    One is of relaxation would be good.
  • morenita71
    morenita71 Posts: 137 Member
    ordinarily I would just relax and enjoy it - I am quite sociable and like to party - it's just that it starts a week of really not being able to log...I go to Portugal and then have one week before my birthday party which is when I was trying to lose weight by. I guess I won'tmake that,,,

    you're right - no one will no how much I've eaten - will just have to go easy on the champagne so I don't pass out!
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    I agree with Kristy. Eat until you're satisfied (not stuffed) and enjoy the day, and if you still feel bad, get out on the dance floor and bust a move!!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    I do understand completely and would feel the same way myself! I always take "offense" when i feel forced to consume what others do as if I am not in control.......

    anyways, back to you! I'm sure all the meals will have some foods that are healthy. They will just be covered in some sauce (you can scrape off), or eat half portion of. If anyone notices just simply redirect the conversation to the beautiful bride, the event, the flowers, the fun. You get the picture.

    Being graceful in these situations is what will set you apart and make you successful in your own life and a wonderful wife to your husband. View this event as practice! You are stronger than the food on the plate!

    I hope this can help. Be confident, you are beautiful and no doubt working hard on your fitness which makes you FABULOUS. Life is about learning how to combine who we are with the rest of the world. :smile:
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    Weddings are a part of life, as are other social occasions which often include an abundance of food. If you are doing your best on the other days of the week, one day of some indulging won't make one bit of difference in the long run. Maybe you could not log for the day of the wedding since it can be time consuming and difficult to do with foods you haven't prepared anyway. MFP is here to help us, it's not supposed to feel like a diet. Try and make choices you will feel good about afterward and most importantly, enjoy yourself!
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    My first thought is that catering portions are usually a lot smaller than restaurant portions, so you might not have as much to fear as you're thinking. As for the buffet...that's all up to you. Just try to make smart choices. And most importantly..ENJOY YOURSELF!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Just my two cents (which I do understand are worthless), try to change your take on it before you go. Think of it as a really fun opportunity to get dressed up, wear some sparkly jewelry, fancy make-up and hair, enjoy a glass of wine, dance your butt off, meet new people and maybe even do the deed with the DH :bigsmile:

    It could be a good time and worth every bite!

    That, folks, was as sunshine and roses as I get...:flowerforyou:
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    I like the dancing suggestion!
  • geraldm55
    geraldm55 Posts: 130
    don't get worked up.

    maybe I'm an odd ball but I don't believe in giving up good food, don't get me wrong I have limited my eating of certain foods mainly due to calories, but I still eat the same foods as always for the most part.

    for me its about portion control with regards to my main meals and limiting my deserts. If you do go over remember its a special day and you'll make it up throughout the coming days.

    we're doing this so we can live more fulfilling lives not so we live in fear of eating. You'll be fine.

    have a great time, celebrate and most importantly relax.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Arm yourself with discreet little snacks you can eat instead of what's served, if what's served isn't in your plan. The great thing about being female is that you can carry a big purse without raising any eyebrows. I have hyperinsulinemia, so I always keep a baggie of protein powder and a few low-carb high-protein snacks like beef jerky or a package of peanuts in my purse. If I'm served a meal I really can't eat, I'll mix the protein powder into my drink and that's actually my meal -- I just push the food around my plate for show. Like someone else said, no one's going to be watching to make sure you clean your plate.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Veggie up girl! Veggie up! Don’t forget to proportion your foods. Also make sure to give your metabolism a kick by beefing up on your exercising. Other than that enjoy the day within moderation.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm probably a lot more relaxed about this than most MFP-ers. The way I look at it, as long as you're eating within your calorie goals the rest of the week, it would be virtually impossible to eat enough in ONE DAY to undo the rest of the week. Even if you have champagne, cake, and rubber wedding chicken.

    Enjoy the day, eat what you feel like eating, and get back on program the next day.
  • DANCE YOUR *kitten* OFF!!
  • liza001
    liza001 Posts: 77
    :flowerforyou: Please please PLEASE! take it from me! Stick to your diet! I recently went to a 50th birthday party had a few bad things ..cheese crackers, birthday cake a couple of sangrias (my weakness) ... 90 mins of foods wine dine etc.. Added up to practically 2000cals :mad: and took me 2 weeks to get back to where I was before he party! :mad: JUST NOT WORTH IT! AT ALL! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Like someone else said, the couple are not going to monitor what you eat... Those well meaning people that do say something are only a minute or 2 of the whole day... I went out to a German restaurant yesterday (another birthday!)... I ordered a salad and drank mineral water... I had the comments etc... But the funny thing is that once some heard me ordering healthy many, followed... I also feel great today!!! and also have an empowered feeling... :glasses:

    The wedding couple etc would like you there, they are providing food etc for their guest to enjoy, if the guest so wish... My daughter is getting married next month ( hense my weight loss program.. And determination) the wedding is costing a packet! However I would be devastated if I found out that someone wasn't attending because they felt they had to eat the food... Or had a bad day that they felt guilty for not eating the food...:noway: Food is the sideline of the event... Dance, laugh at the speeches, celebrate the couple's happiness... And eat to your hearts content of the best food you can have for your health and needs of the day.

    :laugh: Hahaha and another thing... Have you seen biggest loser? Yesterday I just though of it as temptation.... I can conquer this...

    :laugh: :laugh: And another thing... What would you have if your were on maintenance? It isn't permission to let loose.. (not that I'm implying that you are.. It's just a point)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: And one more... Who will you really offend anyone? Tell them you are on strict instruction by your Dr! ...and that it's bowel trouble.. That will quieten them down :laugh:

    Ok one last thing... I'm going to check on you the next day... And I would like to read about how you had fun and "I did it... I DID it!". So many will be helped by your report... If you can't do it for you, do it for them :flowerforyou:
  • morenita71
    morenita71 Posts: 137 Member
    reporting back. It wasn't perfect but I don't think I was too bad. We were staying at a hotel two nights so at breakfast I got them to poach me some eggs and a avoided the fried bacon, didn't butter my bread, Also went for a walk in the hotel grounds.
    The wedding lunch was ok. I ate it and as some predicted the portions weren;t massive. The main course was turkey so quite a low cal meat. The pudding was gorgrous but not good. I drank too much but I DANCED ALL NIGHT! In fact I was so busy dancing I didn't have any of the buffet that was served later on that evening...and I also missed out on the wedding cake too.

    When we got back from the wedding I went to my favourie zumba class and felt ok. So we'll see what happens. I'm going on a 3 day break to Portugal so hopefully will eat some lovely fish!

    Thanks for all your comments and support!
  • liza001
    liza001 Posts: 77
    Great to read your after report, sounds like a great night and you did well... Good on you