Anyone else taking Phentermine?

My doc prescribed the weight loss pills to me since I am having a hard time losing weight. MFP says I need to eat 1200 calories/day in order to lose the weight I want. However, because of the meds, my appetite has been surpressed greatly. I find myself consuming about 700 cals a day so far.

My question is, is that normal? I am trying to eat more, but my brain and stomach are telling me no lol. I know it sounds unhealthy, but I needed something to help me - especially since diet exercise seem to not be working much at all.


  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    Well, if you're under doctor's orders, chances are you're not doing it without some guidance etc. It's those that choose to restrict on their own that can be detrimental to their health. As long as you're under doctor's orders and following those appropriately, I see no issue with it.
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    I took it about 14 years ago and went from 162 to 118, but I had to force myself to eat even goldfish, try taking half the dose for a while and see if it cuts your appetite to a healthy level instead of it cutting it off completely. If you feel bad taking it, stop. At 37 I went into cardiac arrest from a weak heart, with unknown causes
  • barleespringers
    My doc prescribed the weight loss pills to me since I am having a hard time losing weight. MFP says I need to eat 1200 calories/day in order to lose the weight I want. However, because of the meds, my appetite has been surpressed greatly. I find myself consuming about 700 cals a day so far.

    My question is, is that normal? I am trying to eat more, but my brain and stomach are telling me no lol. I know it sounds unhealthy, but I needed something to help me - especially since diet exercise seem to not be working much at all.

    Talk with your doctor!!
  • DJmom44
    DJmom44 Posts: 91
    How many calories did your doctor say you should be eating? Did he/she refer you to a nutritionist or dietician? Your diary is closed, so we can't see what you're eating in order to give suggestions.
  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    I took it about 14 years ago and went from 162 to 118, but I had to force myself to eat even goldfish, try taking half the dose for a while and see if it cuts your appetite to a healthy level instead of it cutting it off completely. If you feel bad taking it, stop. At 37 I went into cardiac arrest from a weak heart, with unknown causes

    Isn't it a capsule, you can't split a capsule. this drug is the other half of Phen Phen which caused health issues and death. Not a good drug to take.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    As I understand it Phentermine is for short term use only (4-6 weeks). If you only want to eat 700 calories a day, I would say, that if it was me, that is all I would eat. My concern would be what I would want to eat, when I stopped taking the drug. I don't much buy into the 1200 calorie minimum thing. But that is me, (results may vary). Good luck.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    I took it about 14 years ago and went from 162 to 118, but I had to force myself to eat even goldfish, try taking half the dose for a while and see if it cuts your appetite to a healthy level instead of it cutting it off completely. If you feel bad taking it, stop. At 37 I went into cardiac arrest from a weak heart, with unknown causes

    Isn't it a capsule, you can't split a capsule. this drug is the other half of Phen Phen which caused health issues and death. Not a good drug to take.

    Also, if it is slow release version, it could really mess up the effects!
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    One other thing....what type of Doctor prescribes drugs, because you have to lose 45 lbs.? I could see 100+ lbs. but 45lbs.? I would guess that the 45 lbs is not so debilitating, as to interfere with normal movement, and exercise. I'm just saying.
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    I took it about 14 years ago and went from 162 to 118, but I had to force myself to eat even goldfish, try taking half the dose for a while and see if it cuts your appetite to a healthy level instead of it cutting it off completely. If you feel bad taking it, stop. At 37 I went into cardiac arrest from a weak heart, with unknown causes

    Isn't it a capsule, you can't split a capsule. this drug is the other half of Phen Phen which caused health issues and death. Not a good drug to take.

    Also, if it is slow release version, it could really mess up the effects!
    phen phen is a drug combo and to cut dose, you could take one every other day if you are taking one a day. And obvoiusly it is not always safe just because you are under a doctors care, always listen to your body
  • Linda9180
    The doc DID say it would be a short term use. I have to see him once a week so he can monitor how my body is handling the meds, and what I am eating. Even if I cheated (ate a donut, cupcake, etc), I put it on here cuz I felt guilty lol. I started the meds yesterday morn, and noticed my appetite was really supressed. I had a Smart Ones frozen lunch yesterday, and only ate half of it when the portion is already small to begin with!

    I tried eating 1200 calories on my own (before the meds) and always ended up below it, then I uped it to 1400 when I started exercising and I ended up losing and gaining the same 2 lbs. Very frustrating. I did the HCG diet for my wedding last October so I could fit into my dress, and ended up gaining about 9-10 lbs back within 7 months (which isn't entirely THAT bad, but still). The diet works, but the rapid weighloss most likely didn't help me long term. I am at 184lbs right now (I was 177lbs when I lost the weight), and trying to get down to a healthier weight since I am borderline diabetic and taking Metformin for my blood sugar.

    This pill IS a capsule, and he only gave me a 15 day supply of 15mg to start me off.
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    Phen-phen - definition of Phen-phen in the Medical dictionary - by ...
    A combination of the drugs fenfluramine and phentermine, formerly prescribed for weight loss, whose use was discontinued because of association with ... • Found On: Google, Yahoo! Search, Bing
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    If you were only eating 1200 calories a day anyway, then why do you need the drug? I'm not understanding your whole story here. What is missing here? The drug doesn't MAKE you lose weight, it keeps you from eating. So if you were good on the calorie count before, then what does the Dr. think the drug will do for you? Except make him some $$? What do YOU think about what the drug will do for you?
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    I took it for 2 months. I had to make myself eat so I made sure that every thing I ate was full of nutrition. I kept a diary and I lost 15 lbs. I then started MFP which has kept me on track and a healthy life style. Just make sure that you eat at least 1000-1200 cals a day, eventhough you are not hungry. The med should be used as a jump start to make help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. It REALLY worked for me and my sister. It seems like you and your doctor have a plan. Let the Dr know how you are doing and see what he says.
  • Linda9180
    I mainly just needed a boost to help me lose weight and be off the blood sugar meds for good. I was also diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome, which my OBGYN warned me would make it harder for me to lose weight and have kids. I know a few ppl who have taken this and lost a huge amt of weight. I work in an office setting, so it's easy to just sit here and snack all day long. I kept a drawer full of junk food in my drawer at one point, now I have healthier things to snack. I mean, I have done every diet out there... now I'm just trying to eat healthier and watch my portions even more but also still give myself a cheat day to splurge (but not uncontrollably like I used to).

    I'm one of those ppl who want instant gratification, as I'm sure everyone wants that. But I know it will take more time (I'm going on 31 and my metabolism has def slowed a bit) if I did it normally, than if I weren't on the meds.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    Really? I think your weight issues are more psycological, than physical. Keep looking for that instant gratification, it's not out there. You looking for the easy answer,will be your downfall everytime. There is no easy answer, there is no miracle drug, or miracle diet, or something a doctor can do,to help you. You,are the answer. The more you keep relying on others, and blaming different maladies for your weight problem, the longer you will be overweight. I may get people mad at me; but I speak from experience. You need to "own it". The only things that the drugs do,are keep you from eating, because you have no discipline, not to eat. That is the truth. You don't have a physical problem that "makes" you eat. You eat what you CHOOSE to eat. I would seek a counselor, before an M.D.. You are treating the symptom, not the cause. I sincerely wish you the best, and hope you find what works for you.
  • Linda9180
    Wow. Thanks for the honesty, but what a way to kill someone's way of trying to lose weight. I mostly ate whatever I wanted out of boredom, it has nothing to do with mental issues. I've taken the nutrition classes, seen a dietian, and yes, a therapist as well. Everything I have done has not been helping me, and like I said, I needed a "boost". Americans are served twice the serving amt at restaurants, and that is what we are used to. Instead of eating one lil plate of spaghetti, I will normally have twice that or more. It's the portions I have issues with, especially if it's something I really like. Being of Asian descent, I grew up eating a lot of rice. Which was also causing the weight gain since I ate so MUCH of it.

    Quite frankly... I did not post on MFP's forum to get judged, only to ask if any one else has taken this medication and if they had the same effects. I know 45-50lbs is not a lot to some people, but I'm still considered "heavily Obese" with my age and height. I've been heavy my entire life, and I'm not about to let it spin out of control again.

    Thanks for adding your two cents.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Wow. Thanks for the honesty, but what a way to kill someone's way of trying to lose weight. I mostly ate whatever I wanted out of boredom, it has nothing to do with mental issues. I've taken the nutrition classes, seen a dietian, and yes, a therapist as well. Everything I have done has not been helping me, and like I said, I needed a "boost". Americans are served twice the serving amt at restaurants, and that is what we are used to. Instead of eating one lil plate of spaghetti, I will normally have twice that or more. It's the portions I have issues with, especially if it's something I really like. Being of Asian descent, I grew up eating a lot of rice. Which was also causing the weight gain since I ate so MUCH of it.

    Quite frankly... I did not post on MFP's forum to get judged, only to ask if any one else has taken this medication and if they had the same effects. I know 45-50lbs is not a lot to some people, but I'm still considered "heavily Obese" with my age and height. I've been heavy my entire life, and I'm not about to let it spin out of control again.

    Thanks for adding your two cents.

    Hello =] I am taking Phentermine now.. Today starts my 2nd week on it.. I am also having a hard time reaching 1200 cals a day. I had the idea to set the alarm on my phone for breakfast, snack, lunch snack and dinner. I also just fill up a cup of water and drink it, as soon as its empty i fill it up again. I havent reached 1200 cals a day yet but its getting better lol! If you wanna chat about it feel free to message me =]

    Also, it doesnt matter if other people think the reason you started taking it is bogus. It doesnt matter WHY you do anything, as long as you and your doctor agree its something that will help you then everyone else will just have to get over it. People tend to think that people who decide to try something like this are just oblivious to all the risks that it may cause. Good thing your not taking pills and affecting their bodies, right?! lol! anyway.. GL and I really hope you find a way to eat up all those calories!
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    A lot of you are making alot of assumptions for someone you have never met once in your life lol. I am taking it as well and I only have about 60lbs to lose. I also just snack out of boredom and because I get really bad cravings for sweets. I also dont believe its because I have no discipline because I lost 35 lbs before eating right and exercising.. only took about 5 months to lose it. Things happen and things change.. and sometimes you feel like you need some help! IDK about the OP but I do have a medical condition that is hindering my weight loss. Point being, even if you have the best intentions and you are just trying to give someone what you think is good advice, you really have to be careful because she obviously has already made up her mind.. and what you say are excuses she sees as things she has tried to tackle and is just having a hard time. You say you hope she finds what works for her yet, here she is trying something and you basically put her down for it just because you dont agree with it.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Phen-phen - definition of Phen-phen in the Medical dictionary - by ...
    A combination of the drugs fenfluramine and phentermine, formerly prescribed for weight loss, whose use was discontinued because of association with ... • Found On: Google, Yahoo! Search, Bing

    She said she is taking Phentermine.. Not Fen-Phen.. There is a difference.
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    Really? I think your weight issues are more psycological, than physical. Keep looking for that instant gratification, it's not out there. You looking for the easy answer,will be your downfall everytime. There is no easy answer, there is no miracle drug, or miracle diet, or something a doctor can do,to help you. You,are the answer. The more you keep relying on others, and blaming different maladies for your weight problem, the longer you will be overweight. I may get people mad at me; but I speak from experience. You need to "own it". The only things that the drugs do,are keep you from eating, because you have no discipline, not to eat. That is the truth. You don't have a physical problem that "makes" you eat. You eat what you CHOOSE to eat. I would seek a counselor, before an M.D.. You are treating the symptom, not the cause. I sincerely wish you the best, and hope you find what works for you.

    I happen to agree with what was said here.

    Plus you (the OP) said you eat out of boredom ~ if you KNOW that then stop doing it. Dont leave your desk full of snacks ~ dont buy junk food. Going to the dr for a pill to make you eat less is a short term fix and you wont get long term results from it. As soon as you come off that pill you will gain the weight right back. Also its not going to give your meta a boost, its helping you starve yourself long enough for your body to start feeding on its self, which will def kill your meta.

    He wasnt trying to kill your attempt to lose weight he was trying to help you long term to lose weight. There is no such thing as a 'instant' weight loss 'trick' even gastric bypass takes a few days and you are not big enough for that.

    I'm not trying to kill your attempt either, I'd much rather see you put effort into changing your life so that the weight stays off long term than lose the weight quickly and then gain it back.