New member here.

Hi all. My name is Erika and i'm 27. I have just joined this site a few days ago. I have recently had 2 babies that are 17 months apart. I have gained a fair bit of weight since then. Last month i felt like my health was at an all time low. I felt sluggish, tired, and borderline depressed. i decided to make a change of lifestyle for my kids. I've started exercising 2 weeks ago. My start weight was 219.8 and currently i'm at 211.4. My gym routine is 5-6 days a week with 30 min cardio and every other day i alternate with weights to increase my muscle. I enjoy working hard so i'd like to think my goal of losing 65 lbs in order to get my BMI within a healthy range. I've also changed my diet. I'm consuming no more than about 1500-1600 calories a day and burning 400 at the gym. I'd love to make some friends that can inspire me. I've already read some of the blogs on here and i'm in awe of everyones dedication. I hope I can start living a healthy life starting 2 weeks ago.



  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Hey! We have the same name, around the same age, both have small children ( i only have 1), around the same weight and the same goals..we should be friends, ;) I'll add you. Erica
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    Erica, I could write the exact same thing, except I am 45 and a 240 lb. guy... trying to lose 75 lbs. for the last 15 years without luck. Hoping this site, using the food diary, exercise log will help me with this.
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Welcome Erika. This is a great tool to help you make your goal. I've been with MFP quite a while now and am right on top of my 100 pound loss goal. I'd be happy to support you.