Cheat days



  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    If I have a cheat day, it usually turns into more of a cheat meal....where I eat healthy all day but have whatever greasy fatty food I may be craving for dinner. I started doing this once a week, but have gone to only maybe every other week now, as my cravings for those foods have decreased. If I'm craving something and deprive myself for too long, it just gets ugly. So I've learned to eat what I want in moderation, with an occasional over my calorie limit day if I feel I need it. And I've read that changing your calories up from time to time can help with weight keeps your body guessing and will help keep you from going into starvation mode.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    An alcoholic can't cheat. A X smoker can't cheat. Trust me I know. These foods that make you fat pull you in the with addiction. Granted they are not a physically addicting, but psychologically addicting. That is why 50% of America is Obese and some other reasons.

    To me cheating is reminding you of the way you used to be. Do you want to be the way you used to be.

    Invest wisely into yourr health. It's the most valuable possession you will ever own.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    An alcoholic can't cheat. A X smoker can't cheat. Trust me I know. These foods that make you fat pull you in the with addiction. Granted they are not a physically addicting, but psychologically addicting. That is why 50% of America is Obese and some other reasons.

    To me cheating is reminding you of the way you used to be. Do you want to be the way you used to be.

    Invest wisely into yourr health. It's the most valuable possession you will ever own.

    I'm an ex-smoker, and on a rare occasion I have a smoke. I don't call it cheating. I call it having a smoke.
    I'm an ex fat guy, and around once a week I have a free day. I don't call it cheating. I call it my free day.
    I'm not an alcoholic so I can't speak to that.

    Maybe there's such thing as Food Addict disease, where one single french fry will spin the person into a month long "feeding bender" and makes the person fat again. I don't know. But for most people, one free day a week isn't going to harm them. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that it may help. Arguing that a free day will reverse one's progress is like arguing that an obese fast-food-guzzling pig who eats clean once a week will suddenly become lean.
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    Ditto to what some of the other posters have said - I try to limit myself to the occasional cheat meal, about once a week or so, which will usually put me over my calories for the day (though I haven't gone over 2000 calories/day in a really long time).

    However, last weekend I cheated both Friday and Saturday and at my weigh in on Monday I broke my plateau without a workout in the meantime, so I think the occasional calorie boost can be good for the metabolism.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    I don't agree with the concept of a cheat day, however, I do believe that a cheat meal is in order every now and then. Some people need one at least once a week to stay on track, some people can do once a month, etc. Your body will recover much quicker from one bad meal than it would a whole day.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I'm an ex-smoker, and on a rare occasion I have a smoke. I don't call it cheating. I call it having a smoke.
    I'm an ex fat guy, and around once a week I have a free day. I don't call it cheating. I call it my free day.
    I'm not an alcoholic so I can't speak to that.

    Maybe there's such thing as Food Addict disease, where one single french fry will spin the person into a month long "feeding bender" and makes the person fat again. I don't know. But for most people, one free day a week isn't going to harm them. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that it may help. Arguing that a free day will reverse one's progress is like arguing that an obese fast-food-guzzling pig who eats clean once a week will suddenly become lean.

    What Taso said.

    In my way of thinking, I am not dieting; I am changing my life. Therefore, no day is a cheat day because you can't cheat at life. I try to eat healthy, but if I want something, I will have it. I may have to work my buns off at the gym, but I will have it. I have tried all of the deprivation type diets, and none of them have helped me keep it off, but I feel better now than I ever felt on any of them. I'm getting physically, mentally, and emotionally stronger by changing my relationship with food. I choose; I decide when, where, and how much. If anything, my cheat days are the days I don't go to the gym and then have to think about staying within my calorie limit.
  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    I don't do designated cheat days. I try to stay within my calorie goals every day. But today I did go over by about 500. I just feel like I deserve it, I rarely do it, and I really really wanted some naughty food!!
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    An alcoholic can't cheat. A X smoker can't cheat. Trust me I know. These foods that make you fat pull you in the with addiction. Granted they are not a physically addicting, but psychologically addicting. That is why 50% of America is Obese and some other reasons.

    To me cheating is reminding you of the way you used to be. Do you want to be the way you used to be.

    Invest wisely into yourr health. It's the most valuable possession you will ever own.

    I'm an ex-smoker, and on a rare occasion I have a smoke. I don't call it cheating. I call it having a smoke.
    I'm an ex fat guy, and around once a week I have a free day. I don't call it cheating. I call it my free day.
    I'm not an alcoholic so I can't speak to that.

    Maybe there's such thing as Food Addict disease, where one single french fry will spin the person into a month long "feeding bender" and makes the person fat again. I don't know. But for most people, one free day a week isn't going to harm them. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that it may help. Arguing that a free day will reverse one's progress is like arguing that an obese fast-food-guzzling pig who eats clean once a week will suddenly become lean.
    Well said. Your will power has overcame your psychological addiction.
  • dHowe4406
    dHowe4406 Posts: 114
    I don't go crazy on my cheats days. I go out to eat for lunch and dinner most of the time. Fast food for lunch, and some restaurant for dinner.
  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    I think you have to try things and see what works for you but as I've been learning more about plateaus and metabolisum I think giving your self a cheat day / cheat meal is a good choice for lots of people. You want to keep your body guessing so it doesn't get stuck in a rut and you don't want cravings building so that you tail spin into a binge. I usually use my weigh in day each week to do a little splurge if there is something I've been craving or wanna step out of the norm a bit. Just keep it in perspective don't go over board all day on every meal. Have something you love in moderation.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    I think you have to try things and see what works for you but as I've been learning more about plateaus and metabolisum I think giving your self a cheat day / cheat meal is a good choice for lots of people. You want to keep your body guessing so it doesn't get stuck in a rut and you don't want cravings building so that you tail spin into a binge. I usually use my weigh in day each week to do a little splurge if there is something I've been craving or wanna step out of the norm a bit. Just keep it in perspective don't go over board all day on every meal. Have something you love in moderation.
    You look like that girl who was on "Click"
  • mercy8
    mercy8 Posts: 9
    your doin good, I'm gonna take ur advise! obviously, I've been cheating in the past ....that"s why I gota lose lots of weight. One day at a time! Ur doin good!
  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    LOL this is her picture (Kate Beckinsale) my celebrity twin for the day...
  • hjames0486
    I don't believe in the concept of cheat days and I'm reconditioning myself so that I don't believe in diets. Most people tend to go on a diet to lose a certain amount of weight and the deprive themselves but once they hit that weight, they go back to their old ways. I trying to teach myself to have a lifestyle change. To learn how to make healthier choices as well as portion control. I don't want to deprive myself and I don't want to feel deprive. If I want to have a beer, eat pizza, ice cream, etc, I do it! I just make sure that I log my calories and I try to make sure that I stay under my calorie goal for that day and if I go over, then I know that I need to do an extra workout to compensate.

    Look at people who are "skinny" they don't deprive themselves of junk food, so why should I. As long as their is portion control and moderation I will be fine. I am learning to have control over what I chose to eat or not to eat. Even WW allows people to eat junk food, there is a point value for it and all people have to do is account for that value.

    For me, the key to my success will be to eat healthy/healthier but to also allow myself to eat the food that I want and like (within moderation) so I don't feel deprived. Once I feel deprived I go on a binge and I don't want that to happen.
  • feliciapeters
    My cheat day is also my weigh day
    I eat correctly all day & for dinner I eat whatever I want. Usually pasta since thats my favorite, but this week it was pizza & 2 extra cups of coffee ( I MISS a cup of coffee after dinner - sigh) and a cupcake lol
    I figure i have a week to burn it back off & i dont mind eating chicken & salad & drinking all that (yuch) water if I know I get pasta at least one a week. CANT ban pasta from an Italian girl forever. My head might explode lol
  • saligator
    saligator Posts: 96 Member
    what I recently started is on a particular day a week that I set aside and look forward to, I have the 3 bite rule(yup 3 normal bites of what I'm craving)..sounds super silly but for me it works lol and as it turns out, I end up really not "cheating". .. it seems since loosing weight my cravings have really changed :-)

    genius! sounds like a brilliant idea! hope i have th willpower to stop after 3 bites.....:)
  • nawlinsned
    No. Not ever. By allowing yourself to cheat, you allow yourself to fall into the same bad habits that you had before you started. I refuse to sabotage my progress by allowing myself a momentary lapse in good judgement from the trail I've blazed over the past 3 months.

    The only time I will allow myself to eat simple carbs of any kind (on a keto diet) are if my grandmother cooks them. Even then, it's not so much that I want to eat the carbs, it's that she doesn't understand my commitment, and it's easier for me to take one for the love of family than leave her feeling disappointed. For the record, this has not happened yet. I generally only go to their house for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.

    Besides, you need something that you can live with. I made steaks, mashed cauliflower with garlic, creamed spinach, and macaroni and cheese with miracle noodles (0 carbs) last week. Most of my favorite comfort foods, and they all fit within my lifestyle.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    No. Not ever. By allowing yourself to cheat, you allow yourself to fall into the same bad habits that you had before you started. I refuse to sabotage my progress by allowing myself a momentary lapse in good judgement from the trail I've blazed over the past 3 months.

    The only time I will allow myself to eat simple carbs of any kind (on a keto diet) are if my grandmother cooks them. Even then, it's not so much that I want to eat the carbs, it's that she doesn't understand my commitment, and it's easier for me to take one for the love of family than leave her feeling disappointed. For the record, this has not happened yet. I generally only go to their house for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.

    Besides, you need something that you can live with. I made steaks, mashed cauliflower with garlic, creamed spinach, and macaroni and cheese with miracle noodles (0 carbs) last week. Most of my favorite comfort foods, and they all fit within my lifestyle.

    So you're saying you stuck 100% to your diet since you started?!?!?! you never had a little something?

    Just so you know I also did low carb with a cheat day once a week, consuming over 200 carbs and sometimes consuming 400 grams of carbs. Just so you know when you do low carb for a while you will develop an impared thyroid.. which will slow down your progress. This is one of the reasons I had a free day, to combat that.
  • momocurti
    momocurti Posts: 152 Member
    This is a great thread!

    I never really considered a cheat day, but have had a couple of days in the last month (almost four weeks on MFP) where I've just had the darn munchies and eat more than I want to. Never gorge myself, but not always the best choices. But ya know what? I don't kill myself over it and realize that the next day, the next meal, whatever, I'll make better choices. So I guess I have "treat" days (I like that from the PP) when I feel like it, and I haven't really felt the need more than a couple of times.

    It's interesting to see how we are all doing what works for US and are succeeding!!
  • ktmccorkell
    ktmccorkell Posts: 79 Member
    Just had my first cheat day. I wasn't planning on it. I logged in my breakfast lunch and dinner like always, but I took my daughter shopping and she wanted to stop and get a soft pretzel. We never get stop and get anything but we did today. I logged it and now I'm over, but not by much. I would exercise it off but I'm watching football on tv with my family. One day won't kill me and tomorrow is another day.