All I want for Christmas is some motivation

I just can't seem to get motivated. A little while ago I went to the kitchen at work to get some coffee in which to mix my protein shake and the pot was empty, so I made a new pot. While it was brewing I ate not one, but two pieces of Cheesecake. UGH!

Everyday I wake up intending to do well, and everyday I fail. I've been very successful losing weight before and know how to do this, but I just can't get my head in the right place.



  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I just can't seem to get motivated. A little while ago I went to the kitchen at work to get some coffee in which to mix my protein shake and the pot was empty, so I made a new pot. While it was brewing I ate not one, but two pieces of Cheesecake. UGH!

    Everyday I wake up intending to do well, and everyday I fail. I've been very successful losing weight before and know how to do this, but I just can't get my head in the right place.

  • BodyByCrayton
    "Body By Crayton"
    For over 20 years, Andre Crayton, has been one of the leading authorities in human performance and nutritional weight-loss. Starring nationally on ESPN’s “American Muscle”, Fox59 Overtime, (Gary Mendelow), The Indianapolis Recorder on Air “Hosted by Carolene Mayes and Connie Gaines”, WAV53 Indianapolis, Channel 13 WTHR “Hosted by Dave Calabro, reporter Chris Stoute and the Dave’s Team Club Member, Real Women “Hosted by WTPI’s Kelly Vaughn”, Sports Corner WAV53 Indianapolis “Hosted by Jennifer Coffman”, Sports Extra WALB10 Albany,Ga., TBN’s Public Report Channel 42 Greenwood, Indiana “ Hosted by Kathy Nikou and Barbara Presutti”, WTLC Radio Indianapolis Breakfast Club “Hosted by Guy Black and Linda Clemons”, The Indianapolis Recorder Newspaper (freelance writer), also featured in Muscle Magazine International, National Physique Committee Magazine, and Indianapolis Recorder Weekly.

    Andre is a graduate of Albany State University with a BS in Kinesiology with distinction, major in Exercise Science, and minor in Psychology. Andre was awarded Indiana’s Personal Trainer of the Year 1993-1998. He is also a National Physique Bodybuilding and Fitness Judge.

    As a former teacher of physical education, Andre taught at St.Francis DeSales catholic School in Cincinnati, Ohio and John Marshall High School in Indianapolis, Indiana where he was an Assistant Girl Track and Field Coach.
    Earlier in his career, Andre was Georgia Track and Field Champion, a Semi Professional Football Player, Academic All-American, and 1984 Olympic track and field Candidate 800m, 1 mile.

    Andre became involved in bodybuilding in 1986 where he won many awards including: 1990 Musclemania, BW Division; 1990-1997 Mr. Indiana, BW & LW Division, Mr. Indianapolis BW & LW Division; Natural Indiana Champion; placed in top 10 at Nationals and Jr. and IFBB North America; Pro World Bodybuilding Championships and a host of numberous awards and titles.

    Established in 1990, Body Double Fitness has been providing one-on-one and group personalized weight-loss, general body toning, fitness training and nutritional requirements for both men and women, in addition to our young adult and senior community. Body Double's personalized training, combined with our nutritional programs can make a difference in your weight-loss and basic fitness requirements.

    Body Double has built a solid reputation with our unparalleled client and support services. Our health and fitness assets are all the components needed to succeed in the fitness industry.

    Body Double Fitness has no magic potions, just great fitness, nutrition, and one-on-one personalized training, which will let us provide new and old clients with an enjoyable and effective one-on-one personalized training experience.

    We appreciate the opportunity to show you how we can make a difference in your life by allowing us to guide you to a better body, one month at a time.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I feel the EXACT same way. I have lost weight before-up to 40lbs one time. But I just can't seem to find the motivation to stick to it for some reason. I was so good before but now I just fall off the wagon after about 3 days. What can we do to change this?????

  • menjivas
    menjivas Posts: 124 Member
    Don't feel bad! I think all of us have been there before. I think everyone has the moment where they decide that they are going to do it and stick with it. Sure, it's not easy and we all waver(I had danish cookies today), but the important part is getting back on the horse and trying and keep at it. Good luck!!:drinker:
  • Markl
    Markl Posts: 2
    Might I suggest re-framing and broadening your goals for some easier ways to stay motivated. For example set additional goals above and beyond calories eaten and weight lost like:

    1. Every day, no matter what you eat, go ahead and check-in at

    2. Regardless of what you eat, honestly log your food and calories

    3. Set a plan each morning for not just eliminating unhealthy foods but eating MORE healthy foods.

    4. Set a plan each morning for exercising, or at least being more active each day.

    Than, even when you eat more unhealthy foods than you wished, you can still stay motivated doing the other right things by:

    *Still checking-in
    *Successfully logging your food (including mistakes)
    *Eating anyway the number of the fresh fruits and vegetables you had planned for the day.
    *Achieving your activity goal, no matter how small it might be at first
    *And achieving whatever other positive lifestyle changes you decide to make each day

    The result of re-framing and broadening your goals is that you can wake up intending to do well and always have SUCCESS every day, even if there are a some failures.

    And by broadening your goals you WILL eventually make less eating mistakes as the discipline of tracking, eating healthy foods, and exercise, etc. makes you more aware of your health and gives you more physical and emotional strength to avoid as many poor food choices, ie. 2 cheesecakes . . .
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Good post Markl! I especially like #3, eating more healthy foods. On the days I eat more fruits, vegetables, yogurts... for snacks I am less hungry so I am not so tempted to eat things like chips, cookies...
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone, I feel better now.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I am so there. I have only gone for a few walks, haven't been to the gym in over a month and my treadmill is getting dusty!

    It has been a long month, first my daughter injured her hip and we have spent the last 5 weeks in with doctors, xrays and physical therapy.

    Then it rained and stayed cloudy for what seemed like forever, I live in AZ so cloudy is unusual and I can handle about oh...a single day of it but anymore and I go into mental hybernation!

    And of course, the holiday hustle. I know EXCUSES EXCUSES.

    Today I finally got off my hiney and got on my dusty treadmill and I am going to body pump this afternoon! I know I just have to do it, I can't go backwards! :noway:

    Ok, I'm off! Thanks, glad to know I wasn't the only one :love: