What do i do?

I am at a point that I am stalled loosing weight. I started at 240lbs 17 months ago and now I am 175lbs. I still post everything I eat and I eat under my allowed cals for the day. With my excercise I useally end with a surplus of food allow. But I am still stuck at 175lbs. I want to get to 165lbs. I have been 175lbs for the last month. HELP!


  • JamiroJunior
    You may be plateauing, the way to fix this is to exercise more, add another 20 minutes or so. By the way, don't eat too few calories, if your hungry then eat.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    You shouldn't have a surplus of calories at the end of the day. Eat all of them, including your exercise calories, or get as close to your goal as possible.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Reexamine a few things. First off, make sure you're not consuming too few/too many calories (I know, easier said than done). If there's nothing wrong there, then change is really the best thing I think. Change some of your macro goals around and where you get these nutrients from. Also try some new stuff exercise wise. It may just be that your body is used to what you're doing with exercises, or you're getting bored with it and unconsciously not putting in as much effort. Hope this helps.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Change up your exercise. If you usually run, bike, if you use the elliptical (evil, worthless machine by the way), RUN! Make sure you're eating your exercise calories.

    Exactly what I was going to say.
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Don't give up. You've made it this far. I once read of a women who stalled for two months, she kept right on going. The third month she lost 15 lbs. I once read of a man who stalled for four months. He went on to lose over 100 lbs. Any way, you may get on the scale and see a drop.

    Agreed that mixing it up may do the trick.

    Try zig zag calories (some high calorie days, some low, for a total fo the same number of calories per week). Change the exercise. Change the time of day that you eat, or what you eat, or when you exercise.

    Again, don't give up. That 10 lbs will come off eventually. Until then, enjoy that you have accomlished a lot. The way you are living now is going to be very similar to the way you will be living the rest of your life (even after you reach goal, right)?!
  • felixleveron
    Thanks for the input. I was just cycling about 25miles 5 days a week. I cant eat all my cals my. my cals are 1560 a day and with my cycling I burn around1300. I just cant eat that much. I am going to add some pushups and situps to my rutine.