Are you offended by the word "fat"??



  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Nope. I'm a fat people. But I do get irritated that its ok for people (mainly celebrities) to make fun of fat people to get a laugh, but targetting any other group of people gets them scolded and having to dust off their generic public apology script.
  • JsGordita
    It doesn't bother me, my husband calls me gordita(he is mexican and gordita means little fat girl) and it doesn't bother me at all, everyone in my family get really mad at him and says it hurts my feelings but i just won't admit it but in all honesty it doesn't bother me at all what does bother me is when i say i am fat and a friend/family member says "no your not" uh yeah i am so stop lying to me, just don't say anything at all if you can't bring yourself to agree out of fear of hurting my feelings which wouldn't be hurt anyways, to me saying i am fat is the same as saying i am a girl, it is what it is just the plain truth :)
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    not at all........wish someone had told me I was getting fat.....snuck up on me
  • adventuring
    I think it depends on the intentions. I call myself fat and I don't think I'd really mind if someone else called me fat either if were simply stating a fact, because I am fat and I've accepted being fat. But people look at the word fat as rude, so I think the only time someone else will actually call you fat is if they mean to insult you. And I will not be insulted for my weight. It has no bearing on my character.

    Additionally, I don't at all like when thin girls call themselves fat as an insult when they mean bloated or something like that.
  • claguna23
    what i like to say" i'm in shape, round is a shape"
  • looking4au
    looking4au Posts: 85 Member
    I agree with stolly. It is what it is and unless it is used directly to try and cut me down or make me feel less of a person I don't have an issue with it.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Well if you ask and someone says it no. But if you just blurt it out then that was to hurt them and that I don't agree with.
  • moprincess76
    I had some folks call me fat... I corrected them immediately.. i am not fat.... im fluffy.....=)
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Calling someone fat may be an observation. That doesn't mean it's not rude, and I am offended by rude behavior, not words.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I can call myself fat but if anyone else does they're an *kitten* prick.

    So yes.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I guess I don't associate "fat" with other negative traits. I mean..if you were inuit living off the land....being fat is an you were most likely to survive the winter compared to your less fat peers. When I see a fat man or woman, I notice they are fat, like I would notide if they were blonde, or tall or bow It just doesn't occur to me to make other negative associations with being fat.

    You clearly were not fat as a kid. Those of us who were are going to have a different perspective on someone using the word "fat" about us.

    Now, I'm 34 years old, and I can have a conversation about my fat at this point, but kids are incredibly cruel, and that kind of stuff leaves a mark. Someone who gained some weight as an adult and knew it was temporary, will really not relate. It's an entirely different thing.

    My guess is that's a big part of the difference in how people 'hear' the word. How long they've been fat, how they perceive their own body, and what has been drilled into them for years about their own appearance.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    I guess I don't associate "fat" with other negative traits. I mean..if you were inuit living off the land....being fat is an you were most likely to survive the winter compared to your less fat peers. When I see a fat man or woman, I notice they are fat, like I would notide if they were blonde, or tall or bow It just doesn't occur to me to make other negative associations with being fat.

    You clearly were not fat as a kid. Those of us who were are going to have a different perspective on someone using the word "fat" about us.

    Now, I'm 34 years old, and I can have a conversation about my fat at this point, but kids are incredibly cruel, and that kind of stuff leaves a mark. Someone who gained some weight as an adult and knew it was temporary, will really not relate. It's an entirely different thing.

    My guess is that's a big part of the difference in how people 'hear' the word. How long they've been fat, how they perceive their own body, and what has been drilled into them for years about their own appearance.

    BWHAH. I must be the flaw in your plan. I was always in the top 100% of growth. I had boobs in the 4th grade. Got my period in the 6th. Constantly I was teased and trust me, my last name doesn't help any. (It's frickin' German. Thanks Grandpa.)

    We choose our reactions to what happens to us. You can allow it to offend you or you can brush it off.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I prefer metabolically challenged
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    words do not offend me,words only have the power we give them
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    hhmm good question. if i were younger (teen) i would definately get offended by the word. however, now that i'm older and have watched all the media within those years, i am not offended. hate to say it (totally my opinion of myself) but i think with the society we live in today (and with me living in the #1 obese state in the US) if you don't fit the stereotype of an overweight mississippi hillbilly or redneck, then ur not fat.

    i will also say that growing up i was a fat kid and my grandmother did not have a problem telling me that. it obviously made me wanna change my image at a young age so getting called "fat" was a reinforcer on the flip side of the coin.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    BWHAH. I must be the flaw in your plan. I was always in the top 100% of growth. I had boobs in the 4th grade. Got my period in the 6th. Constantly I was teased and trust me, my last name doesn't help any. (It's frickin' German. Thanks Grandpa.)

    We choose our reactions to what happens to us. You can allow it to offend you or you can brush it off.

    You are right, we have that choice. Especially as adults. And I think it's pretty awesome that you were able to ignore serious teasing, and ridicule as a young girl. From my understanding, that's a rare talent.

    While getting your boobs in 4th grade doesn't sound like a bad thing to me (I remember in 5th grade appreciate the girls who had developed), if you were insulted for it that sucks. I guess I was lucky that I didn't start getting made fun of for having boobs until 6th grade. Good times.
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 303 Member
    I feel a Weird Al song commin' on...