finding it hard to get to required calorie amount!

its only my first day, but what are some tips to meet your required caloric intake? my problems in the past have been the restricting/bingeing cycle - so im stillin that "restricting" idea of dieting...
im eating "enough" as in cereal and fruit for breakfast, yogurt and pita bread for lunch, fruit for snack and a normal meal, but my calories dont go at least over 1000 - should i increase portion sizes? or add in foods? dont want to add in junk.

and this is only my first day on the site but still want to do it right from the start :)


  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    I know what you mean about the bingeing / restricting :-/ I've found that when I have 4-5 small meals a day I don't have a problem getting in my calories. I make sure to eat every 2-3 hours so that my metabolism keeps pumping and it also keeps me from feeling starved or restricted. I try to make sure each of the small meals has a protein too, which helps to add calories & keep me feeling satisfied.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I second the protein suggestion. Adjust your levels, try increasing the percentage of calories you get from protein and decreasing the calories from carbs.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I find the easiest way to add calories is to drink them!

    I :heart: protein shakes - they are quick, easy, satisfying, good for you and don't take up alot of volume in the stomach for those times you don't feel too hungry -but yet they will take the hunger pangs away if you are starving!

    My favorite is:

    1 scoop of protein powder (I use natural but vanilla works too)
    1 TB cocoa powder
    2 TB of PB2 (
    1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    2 TB wheat germ (optional - adds more fiber and makes a great texture!)
    2 tsp of sugar (not needed if your protein powder is already sweet tasting - mine has NO sugar and therefore is yuck if you don't add a little)

    Blend and enjoy - tastes like a yummy chocolate peanut butter shake! Mmmmm mmmmm!!!!!
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    I third or fourth that....I don't see anything in there about protien in your list.

    Also, break up the meals smaller maybe that will help jump start your metabolism (when mine jump starts I get mega hungry)

    If you don't eat enough you will NOT have the energy for your work outs....
  • hjames0486
    My first recommendation is don't really restrict yourself. You can still eat the foods that you love/like as long as they are within your daily caloric goal. I wanted a mcflurry from mcdonalds the other day and I had one because I had more than enough calories.

    If you feel better about restricting yourself, one thing you can try is drinking protein water. I like the Special K protein water, I just add a pack in a bottle of water and it gives me extra calories and increases my daily protein, which helps me because I can never hit my daily amount of protein.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I am the same way! and learning How to eat here. I have found that adding almonds, avocados, a little cheese to things helps bump it up so I don't have such a huge deficit in the evening. I try to eat even if I am not hungry, just so I don't overeat or binge later.

    It's hard, but I feel better than I have in a long time :smile:
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    If a typical lunch for you is only yogurt and pita, I would start adding in some calories there, like some veggies. Yeah, most veggies don't add a loads of calories, but looks like you could add some more in so you might want to start there.
  • crazynay96
    My first recommendation is don't really restrict yourself. You can still eat the foods that you love/like as long as they are within your daily caloric goal. I wanted a mcflurry from mcdonalds the other day and I had one because I had more than enough calories.

    If you feel better about restricting yourself, one thing you can try is drinking protein water. I like the Special K protein water, I just add a pack in a bottle of water and it gives me extra calories and increases my daily protein, which helps me because I can never hit my daily amount of protein.


    MFP is not a diet its a lifestyle change... you have to ask yourself the way you are eating now are you going to eat like that for the rest of your life? If the answer is no then what you are doing isn't going to work for you long term... If I want a sub from firehouse subs I go get one but I pick and choose what is important and may sacrifice other things that day in order to eat it. I eat what I want when I want it but I stay within my daily allotment and that is what is key. Each week I continue to loose 3-4lbs. This is more about portion control and being aware of how much you are putting into your body! ;)

    Eat what you want - don't limit yourself from the "junk" if its the junk you want so long as you are able to have self control and can do it in moderation and within your caloric recommendation! Good luck!