Hi. I too had heard about this site and thought I would check it out! Very cool. Almost a year ago (October 2010) I lost 40#'s!! Just in time for my 30 year high school reunion. I joined WW online and worked my butt off. However, at the turn of the year I had a son deploy to Iraq for a year deployment and his brother move out. Although I thought I was prepared for being an (single) empty nester, I wasn't and have found 30+#'s of the 40 I lost! :( There's not a day that goes by I don't think about trying to get back on track. I know I need to crawl before I walk. I also know what I need to do but can't find the motivation yet. I hope MFP helps me find my way.


  • TrishB30
    TrishB30 Posts: 13
    Hi, welcome!

    Feel free to add me! As I am sort of new as well. And if anyone else needs a friend just add me!
  • gayala1
    gayala1 Posts: 3 Member
    This is my second day on MPF and each day I ended up with a negative number in the calorie count, I'm pretty bummed out myself but I can't let it get me down. Don't beat yourself up, keep trying