Uh oh.

So I forgot my food for today at home... :sad:

I'm starving and there's a vending machine that's calling my name. :grumble:

I can always go get Subway or something for lunch, but that's really far away and I'm really hungry!!! :explode:

Help me stay strong!!!!


  • Vanessa414
    So I forgot my food for today at home... :sad:

    I'm starving and there's a vending machine that's calling my name. :grumble:

    I can always go get Subway or something for lunch, but that's really far away and I'm really hungry!!! :explode:

    Help me stay strong!!!!
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Subway is good:drinker:

    Just say no to the vending machine:angry:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I can give credit to the vending machine at my old job for helping me gain 60 lbs. I went every day, just 1 time a day, and it is addictive.

    Stay away from it. It will only drag you back in then you will have to do an intervention to get away from it in the future.

    I :mad: vending machiens. They are the:devil:
  • Vanessa414
    I can give credit to the vending machine at my old job for helping me gain 60 lbs. I went every day, just 1 time a day, and it is addictive.

    Stay away from it. It will only drag you back in then you will have to do an intervention to get away from it in the future.

    I :mad: vending machiens. They are the:devil:

    I KNOW!!!!!! They're AWFUL. I'm just going to get myself really excited for lunch (Gonna try the steak & bacon melt flatbread at Subway) and just look forward to that.

    Only 2 1/2 more hours to go!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • gmpearse
    gmpearse Posts: 136
    You can do it!!!!!! Subway, subway, subway - just start chanting. Quietly - so no one will think your posessed.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    This won't help you now, but....can you keep a lean cuisine or something in the freezer for when this happens? Or a can of soup, if you don't have access to a freezer.

    For snacks, I keep a can of mixed nuts in my desk and have a few to tide me over to lunch.

    I was just thinking to myself this morning, as I walked into the kitchen to put something in the fridge...I just walked by the vending machine, glanced at it, and walked away. I didn't even realize until then that I could do that!! :laugh:
  • hwilliams519
    If you have any gum, try chewing on that until you can make it to Subway. That helps me fight cravings.
  • Vanessa414
    If you have any gum, try chewing on that until you can make it to Subway. That helps me fight cravings.

    I totally would do that, and i wish i could, but i have problems with my TMJ joint (the jaw joint) and if i chew gum my jaw tends to lock up. :laugh:

    So I'm just gotta be patient and focus on other things
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    You've gotta eat so you might as well start on your trek to yummy Subway!