quick lunch

I am thinking about walking on my lunch break (only get 1/2 hour) and was wondering if anyone could reccommend something quick to eat that is low in carbs, calories and fat? Even a nutrition drink would be fine. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks!!!:happy:


  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Power bars are great!
  • would you have access to a fridge? On days where I know i'll be pressed for time at work, I try to make a turkey sandwich before work. I use Thomas Bagel Thins 100% whole wheat and put a slice of reduced fat cheese (Whatever your favorite is will do fine), and turkey (great source of lean protein) and if i have it around, lettuce/spinach and whatever else you have around for a sandwich (i.e. other veggies you like and a healthy spread). I'm a picky eater, i don't like spreads too much on my sandwiches (weird I know! i've been picky like that since I was little), but I know there are some great tasting spreads out there that are for the calorie conscious.

    Anyway - it doesn't take me too long to make in the morning, i throw it in the fridge at work and have it ready to go when I'm able to eat lunch.

    Also - Jif peanut butter to go packs are great, I use them for apples and other things i like to dip into peanut putter. great source of protein, a little high in fat, but overall peanut butter is good!
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    I have been fixing Peanut Butter and sugar free jam on Thomas WW bagel thin in the morning before I leave for work. Sometimes I add string cheese if I'm still hungry. You can also add veggies to much while you walk. Nice going on the walk at lunch. Every little bit counts.
  • Sometimes I will just do like fruit and nuts (like a sliced up cucumber, apple, and some almonds) because it is quick and I can eat it while I am walking or working.
  • pixiechick8321
    pixiechick8321 Posts: 284 Member
    Walking is great for a lunch break! But I'd take 20 minutes to walk (10 out, 10 back) and THEN eat (eating before walking is bad).

    In 10 minutes, you can eat almost anything:

    pasta salad: rotini pasta, black beans, corn, tomatoes, mexican spices
    Sandwich (already have good suggestions here)
    Red potato with greek yogurt and a side of fruit

    etc...the trick is to make it in advance and have quick access to microwave and fridge.

    good luck!