Gaaahhh! I really need to stop weighing myself daily.



  • beach_bum_gurl
    I weigh myself daily, but only log it once a week. Why do I weigh daily? This~

    Research shows that monitoring your weight on a regular basis is positively linked with both losing weight and maintaining weight loss. Studies indicate that weighing at least once a week is linked to greater weight loss than weighing less frequently. But daily weight measurements appear to have the greatest weight-loss advantage (see

    I weigh at the same time of day. I also have been daily weighing long enough (over 5 years) to know that my weight will fluctuate at certain TOM. If I see a "creep" upward that should not be happening, then I know it is time too look at what I am doing (or not doing) and buckle down~ I find weighing daily keeps me very accountable.