hcg pellet program?

Hi I'm just wondering has anyone tried the program,know of anyone who has or is on the program?


  • Buffstuff11
    Yes. I know several people who have been on HCG. Every one of them lost a lot of weight, only one has kept it off. I don't like it at all due to the fact that while you are on the program, you cannot exercise at all because you don't eat enough calories. Also, it doesn't allow you to learn how to eat correctly for life...thus it promotes that "diet" mentality that has a beginning and an end. At the end, you gradually start gaining again...yo-yo dieting. Sorry, I give it a thumbs down!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    click on search - yes, there is extensive debate on HGC and other weight loss alternatives on the boards
    Think very long and carefully before going on a 500 calorie diet. This is FAR too low and can do permanent damage to your brain & other organs - do some research
    Most on here agree there IS NO SHORTCUT - no magic bullet.
    Healthy eating in proper portions and aeorbic exercise is the only way to a long & healthy life. And even that isn't a given. Your heart is a muscle - you HAVE to exercise it or it will decline like any other muscle
  • velisha
    velisha Posts: 21
    Thanks for the replies (*_*)
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    I did the drops. only cost 45.00 a month. lost 51lbs. followed the whole plan through, got a trainer and haven't gained a lb back. i did the most important thing, changed my eating habits and workout as much as possible.
  • velisha
    velisha Posts: 21
    @Klabeau...with the hcg did you get a prescription for potassium?....and do u think if I could do meal replacement/protein supplement with it?....I got a month supply of the pallets and payed $225...but I will start the end of next month
  • velisha
    velisha Posts: 21
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    @Klabeau...with the hcg did you get a prescription for potassium?....and do u think if I could do meal replacement/protein supplement with it?....I got a month supply of the pallets and payed $225...but I will start the end of next month

    No, I bought potassium over the counter. Wow! 225.00?
  • velisha
    velisha Posts: 21
    Yeah when u said $45...I thought to myself well why was I charged $225..and did u follow the meal plan exactly?.and did u lose the 51lbs in one month?
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    Yeah when u said $45...I thought to myself well why was I charged $225..and did u follow the meal plan exactly?.and did u lose the 51lbs in one month?

    Oh no, not a month. I did two rounds, taking a three week break between the two. then i stayed off for two month, doing the maintence and then adding a few carbs and limited sugar back. worked out with a trainer. then just this week, i started a third round. i'd llke to lose 20 more lbs. then i'll follow the same thing when i get off. pick back up with the trainer. if you don't follow the protocal to the detail after you stop hcg, you will have problems. clean eating is very important. when i went back to eating bread, i ate ezekial bread. it's sprouted. your body process it faster then regualar bread. i can tell you, i donlt even crave sugar or carbs. what people don't realize is the hcg is hard work. you have do a lot of cooking to eat clean. you cook every meal everyday. you weigh your portions. even though the cals are limited, it teaches you so much about food. i constanly thought of food before i did this diet. i know look at food as fuel, read labels and treat my calories like a bank account. when i'm eating 1500 to 2000 cals, each cal is chosen carefully. after two weeks on hcg, i went to my regular doc and he took my off blood preasure meds after being on them for 11yrs. i believe this diet for for those that have tried many other things and have more than 60lbs to lose. The quick results give encouragement. but, if you don't change your lifestyle, you will gain it back, like with everything else.