Which is better to start with "p90x" or "Insanity" for a beg

Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
I really dont know what to expect from p90x or Insanity, but I have heard they work great if you follow them thru. I recently started "Turbo Jam" and Im on day 4, I love it, of course Im still learning the moves . Are these other 2 programs somewhat the same intensity? Even if they are higher I am gradually increasing in my endurance and would like to give it a shot. My main goal now is to lose fat, so I can see the muscles I have underneath! Having my last child , I gained too much and developed bad eating habits. Of course I am working on building muscle and overall toning, I was in good shape BEFORE getting pregnant, so I assumed it would be easy to lose the baby weight, (I could use my Bowflex) I was wrong!! Then my bowflex got half broken so Im limited on what I can do anyway, I do Calisthetics,and working on increasing push ups everyday, and do hip inductions and abductions on the Bowflex , walk and jog . I need to increase intensity in my exercises and was wondering which would be better or more for me, I do enjoy using weights, I have all different size weights and bars . Any advice on the quickest way to burn fat and get toned would be appreciated, My baby is 5 months old and Im just now starting to lose weight! (long story) . BTW I wish soeone told me about this site sooner, it has so much great advice from experienced people!


  • I feel like Insanity is the best one to start with because you do not need any equipment for it. P90X you need some forms of equipment. They are both great, I have both of them. Insanity will jump start you with all the cardio workouts or you could do them both one in the morning and one in evening. What ever suits you. But depending on if you have any equipment or not Insanity is probably the best bet.
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Since you are trying to lose I recommend Chalene Extreme. Cardiovascular is more intense than TJ and she uses weights for toning.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Insanity is majority cardio and needs a good base fitness before you start otherwise you will really struggle. P90x's exercises can be modified to suit your fitness and strength, plus isn't so cardio based and what cardio there is, isn't as hard as Insanity. P90x will tone you better, but you'll be fitter and burning more per workout with Insanity.

    Pick the one that fits your current fitness level and your short term goal.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yeah, I've heard Insanity isn't for beginners. You could look into Turbo Fire as well. I don't know much about TUrbo Jam but I think Turbo Fire is a step up from that. It includes some strength training workouts, and it includes HIITs.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Turbo Fire is a step up from Turbo Jam.

    Insanity is much more cardio based than P90X. P90X has more emphasis on resistance training. But P90X is in a circuit style format, so you can still burn a lot of cals while doing the strength DVDs.

    P90X is quite easy to modify to fit your own individual goals and fitness level. Many people do a hybrid of P90X and Insanity. They do the Insanity DVDs on the P90X cardio days, but that's pretty intense. For someone starting out, I would suggest just doing one or the other.

    Keep in mind, with P90X, you will spend on average 75 minutes 6 days a week working out. One day is 90 minutes. If you can commit to the time requirements, and are willing to give your best to it for 90 days, you'll have eXcellent results with P90X.
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