
jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
Well, hello. This message board thing is very new to me. Normally I never have talked about my weight loss with anyone; as with my weight gain, I just wanted to pretend the whole weight issue just didn't exist. Even though I don't actually know any of you, I'm still nervous and feeling vulnerable. However, reading some of the posts in which you all are encouraging total strangers, I thought maybe I'd give it a shot. I have been overweight since I was probably 7 years old at least, and was up to at least 235 as an adult (I stopped getting on the scale at that point.) In university I got down to my lowest adult weight ever, about 152 lb. Since then I've gone up and down (waaaay up when I was pregnant with my first daughter) and up and down (another baby) and up and down as my emotions fluctuate. Right now I'm on my way up and I need to stop before I have a huge mountain to climb again. I've considered other programs, but this one is free! Woo-hoo! So, that's me. My biggest issue (I think) is that no matter my weight, whether 152 or 235 or somewhere in between, I have never truly felt good about myself. I know logically my self-esteem should not be tied to my weight, but I know it definitely doesn't help. Anyways, it's nice to be here!


  • girlypop
    girlypop Posts: 80
    Well what I've noticed from my time here, is that there is tons of support if you want it. I'm not a genius or anything but stick with a life style for a long time and hopefully your weight will balance out and not fluctuate so much. A friend on mfp actually hit 100 days of logging on in a row. That's pretty good in my books, even if there's still more work to do. Anyway stick with it and i'll be here if you need a friend!
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Thanks for your reply! I'm kind of excited about this website, and I appreciate you taking the time to say an encouraging word! I right away assumed no one would reply to my post because I don't even come across well in writing. Ok, so I know I have serious insecurity issues and I am working on that. But it's nice to meet you!
  • sreece13
    sreece13 Posts: 12
    I'm right there with you on the insecurity issues and emotional eating. I wish I could say that I won't be at my heaviest weight ever again, but the truth is when things get bad I tend to "eat my feelings." I have been doing this site for a few months now and have found that its a nice way to keep track of your good days and feel proud about all of the calories burned through working out. It also keeps me accountable to myself which is the only person I really need to worry about when it comes to eating things I know I shouldn't and getting off the couch and making my way to the gym! This site has really helped me get some of the weight off in a pretty reasonable amount of time. I still feel unattractive alot of the time, but there are other days when I feel so great and I know its because I have put in the time and effort to get rid of the weight that was both literally and figuratively "weighing me down!" I wish you the best of luck with your weightloss and I know that if you stick with this site you will see results!!!!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I haven't been here long, but already I feel a sense of camaraderie........that we're all on this path together, and no matter how big or small the goal, we WANT to reach it!

    My goals are small right now - I need to lose at least 30 lbs to be at the top of my "ideal" weight, but am aiming for 10 at the moment. I've lost 3 since signing on, and had lost a couple before that, so I'm on my way!

    I also am a rather private person about my weight and's hard to admit that you do have a problem with your weight! I am still on the fence about a lot of this, as I'm a very healthy person in general.....I just weigh a little more than I should ;)

    Much success to you! Remember that it's not how you look or how much you weigh, it's what's INSIDE you that counts! And you look like a pretty nice lady to me!

    Take care.............
  • tomasart
    tomasart Posts: 306 Member
    Welcome Jane! Best Wishes -This place has a bunch of nice, supportive friendlies. :)
  • sittoojo5
    sittoojo5 Posts: 42 Member
    and again and again and again! We all know that roller coaster but the good thing is that "giving up" is NOT an option! You'll find plenty of motivation and support here - log in daily, keep a diary. Best Wishes on your new journey!:flowerforyou:
  • joshbakhshi
    OK, from a guys prospective. I'm not an emotional touchy-feely person. But I have to say it does take courage to talk about your weight. My advise to you, which is the same that I give to my wife, don't consider your weight in numbers of pounds. I know, that sounds silly. I'm not a fitness guru by any streach of the imagination. But the more you excersize, the more you build muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. You should judge yourself by how YOU feel and how YOU like the person in the mirror.

    Personally, this has become my favorite app. But it's only as good as how it's being used. Write down what you eat, check in when you excersize. It's not a science, but it works. If nothing else, it helps you think twice on what you order and it makes you feel better when you see the real rewards on your excersize.

    Good luck and stick with it.
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    I haven't been here long, but already I feel a sense of camaraderie........that we're all on this path together, and no matter how big or small the goal, we WANT to reach it!

    My goals are small right now - I need to lose at least 30 lbs to be at the top of my "ideal" weight, but am aiming for 10 at the moment. I've lost 3 since signing on, and had lost a couple before that, so I'm on my way!

    I also am a rather private person about my weight and's hard to admit that you do have a problem with your weight! I am still on the fence about a lot of this, as I'm a very healthy person in general.....I just weigh a little more than I should ;)

    Much success to you! Remember that it's not how you look or how much you weigh, it's what's INSIDE you that counts! And you look like a pretty nice lady to me!

    Take care.............

    VERY well said, I LOVE your positive attitude! Congrats on your weight loss so far. Keep up the good work! :)
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I have been around this sight for a few years now. I didn't log on for about 17 months, but I'm back! I always LOVE the support on this website. I'm happy I decided to log back on.
    Keep logging on...we are all here for you! :)
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Thanks, everyone. This is really cool!