New from AZ

Hi everyone!! A few weeks ago a friend of mine recommended this website to help track fitness and calories. Before this I was using a different calorie counting website with little to no results. Since I've joined this website about three weeks ago, I have lost a total of 6 pounds, and I love it.

If you would have asked me a few years ago, "How much do you work out?" I would have said "Ew.. you said work out... that's a dirty word!!" My weight lost endeavors started with a friendly work bet: Who could lose the most weight in 6 weeks? and we all put 20 dollars in the pot. My mother, who had been an avid WW participate and lecturer, shared that whole program with me and taught me to monitor portion control and limit fats and sweets. With the program and Pilates, I ended up losing a total of 25 pounds and the bet!! I never knew my body could look that this!!!!

Since that adventure, life has happened. I have managed to keep off the majority of the weight and only calorie counting when I needed to. Last year, however, I was in an extremely high stress situation and it seemed like no matter how many trips to Mcdonalds I took or how many times I ate Taco Bell, the weight melted off. Since that situation has been resolved, the weight has ballooned back on. No stress paired with a summer of watching movies and eating (I'm a teacher so I had alot of time this summer) I have again put on that weight. So here I am.

While I have grown to like the effects of working out, it is still not my favorite thing to do. I have to switch it up often as I have the work out attention span of a 5 year old. I would love to share ideas, recipes, and tips!! Thanks, and have a great weekend!


  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Welcome to the site and all the best on your journey. Get yourself a network of friends to cheer you on, or prop you up. Whatever you need at the time. That's the key to success here.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member

    I went to Peoria HS btw...Class of 92. My family still lives in Glendale, off 75th and Northern.

    Cool to see someone from the West Valley on MFP =D.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Congratulations on the 6 pounds!
    Enjoy exploring the site and good luck on your goals. :smile: