hard for me to wake up in the morning

So I am knew to this, but I love hearing what people have to say...I have started to really enjoy running I have a treadmill but prefer to run outside I am up to about four miles...I actually ran a marathon back in '98 no plans on running another, but would like to increase my mileage some.
I have two small children 3 and 1 so the only time I have to exercise is early in the morning or after they go to bed at night, which is not going to happen because I am completely exhausted after running after them all day long. I do have a hard time waking up at 530am to work out. Some days Im good other days I turn the alarm off and go back to bed because the thought of getting up that early to work out is just exhausting in itself. I guess I want to know what you all use as your motivation to get up that early and workout. I usually run about every other day, but I would like to do more and do some strength training along with it...HELP I need some incentive to get up that early every day....thanks!!!!!


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    i hate waking up early but i love the feeling i get after working out :)
  • SamMorBelsmom
    SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
    Unfortunatly, I don't have this problem because I am a member to a gym with a two hour window for daycare. I would try writing my goal down, or taking a picture of myself when I was thinner and putting right on top of my alarm clock. Also, try investing in a double jogging stroller (ebay, craigs list, amazon.com have awesome deals) and take the kids with you! Not only will you burn more calories pushing them but the fresh air wears them out just as much! Then when you do jog with out them, you may just be able to push that extra mile becasue of how easy it is!
  • enygmatic1
    enygmatic1 Posts: 44 Member
    My newest line of defense against myself is the all powerful mantra....so many times I'm tired, and in pain (I have nerve damage issues) and want to go home cuddle with my dog and shut out the world...so what I've started doing is litterally in my head and even sometimes out loud, I say over and over, go to the gym, get up and go to the gym, get up and go to the gym....and it's hard to ignore so I end up doing it then when I'm done I feel awesome from the work out and because despite all the other crap in my life I showed up for myself in that moment...I can't imagine being a Parent and working and trying to save my life but you can do it!!!
  • world2c
    world2c Posts: 178 Member
    Let me preface that I do not have kids, I have three dogs.... So, my life is vastly different than yours, but I am in your same boat of being exhausted by about 8:30.... I have trained my dogs to expect me up by about 5:15, and if I'm not the start whinning, jumping on the bed, licking me etc.... I have to say that that is a way better alarm clock than the real thing, and I actually look forward to some activity with them- whether it's a run or a walk. Personally, I love being up before all the cars/people are out. The neighborhood's very quiet... Plus, when I bike I get to see a bunch of birds, and this morning, I even got to see a fox (fortunately from the inside of the car as I'm heading out to a hike).... In your particular case though, it sounds like you will need motivation to get up and get on the treadmill... So my question is this- are you by a TV? if so, do you have Tivo? this could be your opportunity to watch the shows that YOU want - whatever that may be.... My other question would be this? How old are your kids? If they are old enough to ride bikes could you a- run with them? or b- bike with them? Maybe you could make it a family event a few times a week in the evenings, and then maybe two or three times in the morning???
  • world2c
    world2c Posts: 178 Member
    Apparently I can't read- I agree- try for the double stroller option and maybe take them out around lunch or right before a nap? But when they get older, the biking option may work for you. :)
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    My kids are all older (18, 17 and 15 ~ all 3 girls) but I feel you on getting up in the mornings. My feeling on getting up in the morning is I best get something *fun* out of being woken up if not somebodys going to bleed, alot. I work out at night, usually leave the house at 6pm to get a friend of mine that goes with me an we end up not getting home til around 9pm (she has to eat an get gym clothes from home etc) I come home really tired, but at the same time I feel better and have more energy the next day. I'm blessed with a husband that is willing to put up with that schedule tho. I totally feel you on not feeling like getting out that late at night but it really will help the next day. Another option is to get some exercise dvd's and when the kids are napping pop them in (If you are a stay at home mom, didnt see that part lol) Going walking/running with them in a stroller is a good idea also :) I promise once you start you wont want to quit exercising. Also remember there are many forms of exercise and anything that gets you moving more than you are used to is a good thing!!
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    I have 2 boys (2 1/2 and 2 months) and I've been working out during afternoon naps. BUT, I have started trying to get up earlier to exercise since I only have 5 more weeks of maternity leave. :sad:

    I find that scrolling through the boards here when I'm up nursing my baby helps motivate me. Plus I visualize my goals while I'm laying there and realize that me staying in bed takes me further from my goals and not closer to them.