Do you have these days??

I have been doing great for 6 weeks straight, I have had the occasional slip with drinking or a bad food but its usually balanced out through out the day. Or I put in a harder work out the next day. But today I have no motivation to log I want to eat everything. I just feel like if I give in today and eat everything I want it will just start a bad habit. Talk me out of eating the fridge! I usually never have this problem but for some reason today I am ready to pig out!!!


  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Don't give in!
    Cravings generally last at most 10 minutes.
    Drink water.
    Make some hot tea.
    Chew gum.
    Munch on berries (strawberries, blueberries, etc.)
    Stand up right now and stretch. Side-to-side, bend forwards, roll your neck, shake your shoulders, twist your torso, do a few lunges, and jump up-and-down. Always helps me get my blood re-circulating and my spirits up.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I have these days a lot.
    OKay 1 - log. make yourself log. as you watch the calories pile up you will get hit by the guilt, you'll see the damage you're causing.
    2 - get out! OUT! go for a walk, run, go to the library, a friends house, whatever, just get out, away from the food!
    3 - occupy yourself! take bath, do your nails, read a book. I also find sucking on a a sookie sweetie or mint or chewing gum or something keeps your mouth busy
    4 - drink lots of water, it will fill you up and help calm cravings
    5 - make sure you do eat your meals, high protein will keep you fuller longer!
  • aab2011
    aab2011 Posts: 49
    Thanks Ladies. I did give in a little, I had a cup of mac and cheese, but I could have ate the entire box and I didn't. I did log it also, and I am now feeling guilty but I think I am going to go for a swim. Thanks again!
  • If I get one of those days, I just think that I need to log every single thing I eat, and that normally puts me off. Either that, or I plan what I want to eat, then I plan a workout for that day to counter what I eat. Good luck for today!
  • mike20603
    mike20603 Posts: 32 Member
    Around here, we call those zigzag days :)

    As long as those days are the exception to the rule, it will work out fine.