C210k progs

Which app/website do people use for this? The only ones I can find are not free ones - I don't mind paying if they are good, but wanted some recommendations.


  • aejbx4x7s
    aejbx4x7s Posts: 111
    I used C25K and loved it. Definitely worth the money. There are also programs on the Runner's World website you can use, but you would have to time yourself. C25K is an app that records your speed and signals when to run or walk. There are plenty of regimens you can use that are free, but the apps are pretty helpful.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I downloaded mp3s for free off of a website that someone on here recommended.
  • shelbym87
    shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
    For running I use 2 apps at once usually. Which is a pain but it works. They're both free. Nike+ & Runkeeper. Runkeeper is great for a couch 2 10k type program because you can set up your own interval workouts. It gives cues for when to walk and run. The problem I've found though is that the gps is sometimes off. It says I run less than I actually do, which will also affect pace time. Nike+ is where the gps comes in. It's as accurate as my car mileage that's all I know.
  • tgbjr1973
    I think most people who truly go from the couch to running probably start with a 5K, which is why you've probably had difficulty finding a free program. I'd suggest starting with a 5K and there are several free programs online; however, if you truly want to start at 10K here is a link.....

  • duqtape
    duqtape Posts: 121 Member
    I am on week 4 of the 2.99 app. I really like it. I've done C25K in the past, but I always seemed to rewind and do the workout twice. This one makes you do it twice, every time. I like this one. It's gradual enough to start from scratch (a bit more fitness then the C25K scratch, though) or jump ahead a week or two. The long run doesn't come till week 11 in this 13 week program, where as it is 5 of 9 in C25K, so you have enough time to ramp up. The long run in 10K is 25 run 1 walk 25 run, where the C25K is only a 20 minute run (followed by 25 the next week, the 28 then 30)

    It's a great slow start to a longer distance. I wish I had done it instead of C25K last year, but I just found it a few weeks ago.

    One thing I've noticed is you have to manually start you music each time (iPod or Pandora or whatever ... they all work) because the app will not do it for you and you end up digging the thing back out and starting the music.

    Oh, and its simply called Couch to 10K in the app store.
  • duqtape
    duqtape Posts: 121 Member
    So I looked at the the others and this is what it seems to be:

    Jeff Galloway's is for a C25K grad, someone who can already do 30 minutes
    10K runner is 14 weeks
    Couch to 10K is 13 weeks
    Ease into 10K is 10 weeks

    Other then that, they are the same price, about the same rating, an honestly, simply say 'walk' 'run' and records that you did it. So its just how long you want to take.
  • alliooops
    alliooops Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks all - in the end I looked at the C210k and have noted down the timings. Because I have done a little bit of running before I am on about week 6 already and I feel pretty pleased with that. It's certainly making me work. I probably don't run for as many times as it says but it's getting me moving and that's what matters eh?