I eat but I cant gain weight. Any advice? :(

leebuzz77 Posts: 4
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
Ok i have just the opposite problem then most, and I hate it. im 33yrs old, 5'7" and bout 107 lbs. I was 120 before i got pregnant and after i had my kid i cld never gain the weight back. Ive always been pretty skinny but just tired of it, My daughter is the exact same and she is 13. I do eat all the time i try to build muscle for weight but afaid 2 lose any weight I might have gained. Help I even went to dr. and he took blood and said everything is normal for me. Tired of being a toothpick i want to have some curves!!!


  • Add a protein shake or two to your daily diet, here's a link to a cheap and reputable brand on amazon; http://trap.sangnom.com/protein/protein_prices.html

    Start up a good progressive weightlifting routine, like rippetoe's 5x5

    his program focuses heavily on lower-body, great for a woman that wants to work on 'curves'
  • spyork
    spyork Posts: 187

    If you want to add weight try a Mass gainer product from a nutrition/health shop, they add weight but in a healthier way than just eating more, I would be able to help if i knew how much training you do or what your diet is like.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and i can help you further.

  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    I wish I could donate weight! LOL Seriously though, if all is well as reported your doctor, you may just be blessed (or cursed) with being naturally thin. This is not an answer to your question really, but love yourself no matter what you're working with!
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    I forgot.. GOOD LUCK!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    It would help if we could see your diary. I know you can set your goals for weight gain here at MFP, so I am assuming you have done so. The key is eating all your calories (and since you want to gain you can go over) including any you burn exercising. Make sure you are correct on your activity level as well as you don't want to underestimate it. Exercise wise I would suggest weight lifting and use heavy weights. As a woman it is highly unlikely you will bulk up with lots of muscle as the vast majority of women simply don't have the hormones for that unless they take steroids. I highly recommend Stronglifts 5X5 or get the book which many women here have said is good, New Rules of Lifting for Woman (I might be a little off with the title) You can get Stronglifts for free, just google it and sign up for the free report which explains it quite well.
  • Ya Ive tried the 2200 gold from GNC.. But when i do that then I get filled up and then I dont want to eat real food so its kinda pointless for me really. I think ive tried everything under the sun lol. It cld just be in my genetics but it sure does suck for me .lol
  • Thanks Cdbush81. I usaually get alot of haters. But honestly i cant helpit and it really does suck. I can never find jeans to fit me exsept for them high dollar ones and .....ya like i realy want to spend that type of money....or go to jr section but then they are too short . idk
  • Oh yeah for got to tell ya you'd have to wait in line i have tons of ppl willing to donate lol but thanks!!lol
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