Has anyone had bad experience with barefoot running?



  • Spearo
    Spearo Posts: 47
    I haven't posted on the forums much as I see so much misinformation on these and other forums and can't be bothered arguing. But a barefoot thread is different as there are people using their brains IMO.

    Just ease into barefoot/minimalist footwear. Take your time, speedwise and distance-wise. If you've been in shoes all your life, think of the metaphor of you having been wearing oven mits since birth, and now your hands have to learn how to function they way they are supposed to. All the ligaments and tendons are soft and weak. The skin needs time to thicken up a bit.

    Be gentle with yourself: that's the point of barefoot running :)

    Vibrams are good and the quality is fine. They may wear out in 160 km or so but that's fine. They're not supposed to last forever; if they were too thick then you wouldn't run properly- you'd run like all the shoe-clad runners, thinking about how to place your feet, when all you need is to let your feet think for you.

    In the Winter, wear a a pair of 5-toe socks in the V5's (or two) and you'll be good to -40. I saw there's a new pair that has a neoprene liner on the toes; I'll try some this year.

    A big point that seems to be missed with barefoot intro advice is that you will need to, and will learn to, pay attention to where you step (or else). This is a good thing ie: Zen/moment/point of focus. You will be running, breathing, looking at what you're doing and being in the moment.
    Good luck.
  • rsj206
    rsj206 Posts: 36 Member
    My podiatrist suggested that barefoot running can be part of a training plan, but most people don't need or can't sustain a 100% barefoot running regime. Replace ten minutes in your normal running schedule with ten minutes of slow barefoot jogging, and if you aren't too sore, do another ten next time you run. Stick with ten minutes until there is no soreness or discomfort from the barefoot running. Then go up to 15 minutes, etc. His recommendation was no more than 20 minutes per session, three times a week. It is great form training, but for people running on blacktop or concrete, too much barefoot running can cause stress fractures in the bones of the foot/heel.

    I'm not saying that the lucky people on this forum who can do more barefoot running than his suggestion are wrong, but based on the published studies out there, and the patients he sees in his clinic, this is his recommendation to barefoot experimenters.
  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 333 Member
    I just think the vibram shoes (5 finger shoes) look NEAT LOL I can't run barefoot... I have a recurring March Break in my left foot...
    but if I did run I would wear those :D