New, 21 and aiming to lose 20 lbs

Hi, I just completed my first week and feel great so far.. Not sure if I've lost anything yet but I've noticed minor differences. I've started exercising 3 days a week on top of my active day job. I've limited myself to 1200 calories a day (which is a 1000 deficit from my previous lifestyle's 2200). Would love some female friends around my age to stay motivated!

Age: 21
Height: 5'6"
Current Weight: 128
Goal Weight: 105
Highest Weight: 130
Lowest Weight: 90

Every day I've noticed I tend to go over my daily limit in Sugar and Protein. My current goal is to minimize my sugar intake.. and I know too much protein isn't necessarily good either.


  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Hi! Im 21 and aiming to lose around 20 pounds too! I am much shorter, but when I started (a bit before this site) I was 124 pounds. :)

    I have a hard time with the sugar too. I'll send you an invite. Good luck btw! :)
  • snyakowa
    snyakowa Posts: 41 Member
    22 and trying to lose atleast 15 pounds, i'm 5'7 and 138.2, I've been trying to work out atleast 4 times a week and maintain at 1200 calories too, good luck and you can add me as your friend!
  • 06MustangGT
    Sugar is a killer but you can definitely cut it back pretty easy so don't worry. If you don't mind me asking how many grams of Carbs are you taking in daily and what kind (simple,complex)? Cause Carbs are a big a part as well. And as far as noticing changes in the mirror that's awesome and congrats. I'm a firm believer in adjusting your diet according to what you see not just the numbers on the scale. Also on a side note I personally wouldn't worry TOO much about the protein unless it's an insane amount because protein can also help keep you lean I believe. Keep up the good work you'll reach your goal in no time.

  • popupvideo
    popupvideo Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it; I know very little about nutrition, unfortunately.

    I consumed 163 g carbs today, 147 g carbs yesterday, 137 the day before..
    This week I've taken in 846 carbs with a goal of 1287. I'm not sure if they are simple or complex; I eat a lot of fruit and veggies but also have cereal or protein bars. Maybe I should educate myself further on this?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    5"6, 105 pounds?

    Why are people so obsessed at turning themselves into walking skeletons? Sorry if this sounds rude, but 105 pounds puts you well under a healthy BMI. Even your current weight is on the lower end of normal. I just don't get it...
  • 06MustangGT
    Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it; I know very little about nutrition, unfortunately.

    I consumed 163 g carbs today, 147 g carbs yesterday, 137 the day before..
    This week I've taken in 846 carbs with a goal of 1287. I'm not sure if they are simple or complex; I eat a lot of fruit and veggies but also have cereal or protein bars. Maybe I should educate myself further on this?

    Yeah generally carbs from fruits are usually simple I think. Complex carbs you generally get from things like whole wheat bread, pasta, oatmeal, ect. A good rule of thumb is if its sugary like a fruit its simple. Basically simple carbs are burned a lot faster than complex carbs which are broken down slower for energy over a greater period of time. Thats why a lot of runners usually have big pasta dinners the night before big races. I'm by no means an expert but thats what ive gathered so far. But yeah you should deff look up more info about carbs because it could be a big help. All I know is for me to gain weight I need a mess of complex carbs haha. But yeah deff look more into carbs and nutrition. Maybe try posting on here. There's a lot more knowledgeable people on here than myself. Just my 2 cents. Keep at it though you're on the right track.
  • popupvideo
    popupvideo Posts: 50 Member
    tigersword - I don't need to justify myself, however I lead a very unhealthy lifestyle up untill a week ago.. never exercising and consuming far too many calories.. I felt I was letting myself go..

    I work in the fashion industry in a metropolitan city. My colleagues, and a majority of the successful women in my field are much smaller than I currently am. This isn't because they are anorexic, it is because they lead extremely healthy lifestyles.
  • popupvideo
    popupvideo Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it; I know very little about nutrition, unfortunately.

    I consumed 163 g carbs today, 147 g carbs yesterday, 137 the day before..
    This week I've taken in 846 carbs with a goal of 1287. I'm not sure if they are simple or complex; I eat a lot of fruit and veggies but also have cereal or protein bars. Maybe I should educate myself further on this?

    Yeah generally carbs from fruits are usually simple I think. Complex carbs you generally get from things like whole wheat bread, pasta, oatmeal, ect. A good rule of thumb is if its sugary like a fruit its simple. Basically simple carbs are burned a lot faster than complex carbs which are broken down slower for energy over a greater period of time. Thats why a lot of runners usually have big pasta dinners the night before big races. I'm by no means an expert but thats what ive gathered so far. But yeah you should deff look up more info about carbs because it could be a big help. All I know is for me to gain weight I need a mess of complex carbs haha. But yeah deff look more into carbs and nutrition. Maybe try posting on here. There's a lot more knowledgeable people on here than myself. Just my 2 cents. Keep at it though you're on the right track.

    "Basically simple carbs are burned a lot faster than complex carbs which are broken down slower for energy over a greater period of time"

    -- This is extremely helpful information. Thanks again :)
  • 06MustangGT
    No problem. If you need help with anything else just shoot me a message.