Are you following a particular diet?



  • johnnythebaptist
    I am following the "right" plan and its all about me, I dont die"t cause thats a bad word; Therefore I eat anything I want and that means I have to be succesful at the other things. My goal is to burn a minimum of 500 calories six days WEEK. I Choose what foods I want to eat and that make me happy. If I eat larger I must work more. I belive in the IMPRESSION that if you do the right things you will reap what you so.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I'm not following any particular "diet". I have a food list that my trainer gave me and she told me to try and stick to it the majority of the time. I don't have any food that I just CAN'T have, though. It's all about portion control and making the right decisions. I agree with the 90/10 rule - behave yourself most of the time, but allow yourself to cheat every now and then. I personally think that most diets that have an actual name are probably just setting you up to fail.
  • rwno2
    rwno2 Posts: 7 Member
    Herbalife for me. 7 weeks, 17 pounds. I know I'm getting the nutrition I need. One shake a day for weight maintenance and nutrition and two shakes a day for nutrition and weigh loss.
  • hhan
    hhan Posts: 74
    I lost the bulk of my weight following the Dukan Diet. It isn't very healthy really in the long term so after reading many other books settled on the 17 Day Diet. It was the right diet for me in that it allowed a far greater range of the foods I enjoy, so became much easier to stick to, was far better balanced, and gives me the energy I was lacking on the Dukan Diet.

    Given you have very little to lose the Dukan Diet may be a good kickstart for you if you are happy to be fruit and grain deprived for a short while. The maintenance phase of Dukan is pretty much like any other well balanced diet. It was just for me (having so much to lose) Dukan was too restrictive long term as maintenance was always going to be at least 10 months away from the start date. For me that was far too long to survive without fruit and grains.
  • abertawe2
    I signed up to weightwatchers propoints which was so disappointing until I found this site and now use both to support one and other. I will be ditching weightwatchers once my membership needs renewing cos I get all I need from mfp :) I do not like food I have no passion for it and I tend to be a creature of habit when it comes to food. My biggest problem has always been eating on the hoof, chosing the wrong foods to supply my eating on the hoof habit and sigh chocolate! Also a back problem over the past 4 years has meant I have not even been able to walk for more than 20 mins at a time which meant I put on more weight..
    I have changed things by eating breakfast every day (skimmed milk and quaker oats porridge as I said I am a creature of habit lol) -something I didnt do before, not eating on the hoof, not eating chocolate (which was not as hard as I thought to stop) and making sure that I eat good foods ie only the occasional processed food like ww beef in red wine casserole which is jubbly for the rest of the time I chose to eat veg, fruit, tuna and chicken or turkey. I know many people would struggle with the lack of variety with the foods that I eat but as the saying goes 'each to their own'. I know what I am doing is good for me and the choices I make are healthy. I have also started exercising after my successful back surgery. I am only using wii fit plus at the moment but am pleased with how it is helping me get a bit fitter than I was before.
    Good luck with what ever you choose to do re your diet, just make sure that your choices are ones that can fit in with your life style, food tastes and of course exercise :)
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    I'm on the "Eat what you know what's right and exercise 5-7 times a week" regimen. :)

    This is pretty much what I do as well.
  • LisaMarieee
    LisaMarieee Posts: 176 Member
    I'm on a low-fat raw vegan diet. I love how simple it is (after a while, at least) and how much energy I have. I follow 80/10/10 but try to stay 9/5/5 more often.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Wish I could help!!! the word Die is in diet!!!! so I just follow this site!!!!! Portion control!!!!! lots of water, fruits and veggies!!!!! but other food I eat what I normally would!!!! Just reduce the portion! I don't think the diets really work!!!!! but please know that is just me....

    I did South Beach years ago but I gain back double after I stopped!!!!!!
    AMEN to that!

    I don't think "dieting" is the way...........cuz we've all tried 'em, we've all pretty much failed at 'em. I DO think that Weight Watchers is a very good way to LIVE........and there are other plans and ideas out there that work, but I agree that we just have to start SOMEWHERE,............and make positive, long-term changes.

    Like I said in another post, it took me 56 years to get to THIS shape - what makes me think that I'll be able to change it dramatically in a few weeks? I know the stupid things I do - and only I can CHANGE them. Hopefully forever ;)

    But I refuse to punish myself and make myself feel like a loser, when I'm not. I just have made some mistakes, and now it's time to get back on track and be AWARE of them. I love this site for its 'awareness factor'! It helps me VISUALLY SEE what I'm doing, every day..........that, all by itself, is giving me a new perspective, and it's beginning to work :love:

    Have a great day, all!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I'm on the "get off your fat *kitten* and do something, and stop eating crap that you know is bad for you, and don't make up for it by eating too much of the stuff that's good for you" diet. :bigsmile:
  • ziggy67
    ziggy67 Posts: 351
    I'm following the GI diet plan. The Glycaemic Index chart lists foods with a value from 1-100 (in three groups Low GI, Moderate GI & High GI) and the principal behind this plan is to try and eat more of the foods that are valued at 50 or less. Lower GI foods have a slower energy release and will sustain you for longer and prevent the high sugar spikes that occur after eating high GI foods.

    This diet is particuarly good for diabetics and those who need to watch their glucose levels. I was borderline diabetic at one stage and got my blood sugar level back down into the healthy range by following this plan.
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    Michael Pollan summed up my food philosophy nicely: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."

    Now, if I can just make the "not too much" part a habit! :)
  • anewrac
    anewrac Posts: 52 Member
    I do both Weight Watchers and MFP which work out to be almost the same amount of food and I go to the gym 3-4 times a week.

    Have you lost all of your weight doing MFP and WW?
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm on the "get off your fat *kitten* and do something, and stop eating crap that you know is bad for you, and don't make up for it by eating too much of the stuff that's good for you" diet. :bigsmile:
    ROFL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I like your attitude :happy:

    I'm much the same. Portion control is something I have gotten to grips with, becasue apart from the chocolate and biscuits and sweets I used to guzzle, the main culprit for my big fat belly was that I loved my food and ate way too much, mostly double what I should have been eating, but becasue it was all fresh ingedients and not processed, I was convinced I was eating healthily.

    Learning to count calories has helped and so has getting out on my bike - better than any other diet plan I've tried miserably in vain to follow :bigsmile:

    Now I've cut down