My Own Worst Enemy

It never ceases to amaze me how I sabotage myself whenever I feel like I might be on the right track with weight loss. This happens every time, and I'm sick of it! I have had a terrifically healthy day...below caloric and fat intake, exercised like a fiend and exceeded my limit from two days ago. And what do I do to cap off a seemingly perfect "diet" day? Well, I eat about two servings of Jelly Belly's! Ah...there it old friend Guilt. What was I thinking not visiting you today? Please tell me I am not alone in this. I seriously hate this feeling and want to say goodbye to Guilt. Its not good for me and the life I want to have. If you've had this problem and have been successful in overcoming it, I would treasure your advice.


  • I'm brand new: thanks for being so honest and I have the same problem...drives me nuts when I fall angain and again but we
    just have to get up and try again. the other night, before I went to the clinic for prep for bariatric surgery, I ate cashews 1 handful....after another!!! Ok, no more cashews for me...can you more jelly beans???? Mrs P.
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    My solution was to purge my house of all that stuff. If I can't leave it alone, then I can't be alone with it...
  • PediDocChicago
    PediDocChicago Posts: 26 Member
    Every day is a new day. Forgive yourself for today's jelly-belly indiscretion, and start over tomorrow. I read somewhere something that I really liked... the guy said, you don't have to succeed on your diet EVERY day, just TODAY. If you take each day one at a time, commit yourself to following your plan for just that one day, its not so overwhelming.

    Good luck!
  • I'm brand new: thanks for being so honest and I have the same problem...drives me nuts when I fall angain and again but we
    just have to get up and try again. the other night, before I went to the clinic for prep for bariatric surgery, I ate cashews 1 handful....after another!!! Ok, no more cashews for me...can you more jelly beans???? Mrs P.

    Im trying! That seems to be the hardest part for me...conquering myself! Good Luck to you and your goals!
  • My solution was to purge my house of all that stuff. If I can't leave it alone, then I can't be alone with it...

    I did go through the pantry and got rid of lots. I have a 9 year old who has a love affair with certain foods...jelly belly's in particular. Its almost like I zoned in on them and I dont really care for them all that much.
  • I agree, it happens to me and it has been my biggest struggle during this whole process.

    Know that you are absolutely not alone in this.

    I just like to take it one day at a time and count the days that i've been good to myself. I try to tell myself everyday that I deserve to feel great about myself and I deserve to lose weight. And that jelly beans will not bring you the happiness you are looking for. They might be tasty now but they won't be what helps you in the long run. The occasional candy treat is good for you but if you can't control yourself. It's better to not have them around.

    I hope this helps!!! I know it's hard to accept and it takes time but this whole journey is a process. There will be ups and downs but YOU CAN DO IT!
  • I agree, it happens to me and it has been my biggest struggle during this whole process.

    Know that you are absolutely not alone in this.

    I just like to take it one day at a time and count the days that i've been good to myself. I try to tell myself everyday that I deserve to feel great about myself and I deserve to lose weight. And that jelly beans will not bring you the happiness you are looking for. They might be tasty now but they won't be what helps you in the long run. The occasional candy treat is good for you but if you can't control yourself. It's better to not have them around.

    I hope this helps!!! I know it's hard to accept and it takes time but this whole journey is a process. There will be ups and downs but YOU CAN DO IT!

    Thank you! I most definitely needed to hear that.
  • banjobaby
    banjobaby Posts: 46 Member
    i have been on this road so many times and what seems to be working for me right now is this: logging everything i eat. everything! being completely honest with myself is really important (really if i'm not honest, i am the only one that suffers). instead of dieting or joining this program or that program i am simply following good nutrition without depriving myself. i feel like i have to have room to enjoy certain things . i actually adore jelly belies :) if i want some i figure it into my daily goal. i think the important thing is to not set ourselves up to fail - does that make sense? forget this whole diet word! eating jelly bellies is not a bad thing! bottom line is you have to live your life. obviously a little differently that you were before but you still have to live.

    also maybe figure out what is causing you to reach for those jelly bellies. are you hungry? do you need more protein? or is it an emotional factor? i used to get super anxious at a particular time in the evening and noticed that i would just munch mindlessly. since i've started working out on a regular basis those anxious feelings seem to be going away and so have the mindless munching.

    and as someone else said, don't have the stuff in the house if you can help it. there are certain things that i know will trigger crazy eating for me. i don't even think about having them around right now!

    i hope this helps and that i haven't rambled too much :)
  • First... take a deep breath. This is going to be some good tough love.

    Remember this: ONLY your mind has power over what decisions you make. Your body isn't a robot, your mind doesn't control you... YOU CONTROL YOUR ACTIONS. Whether it comes to telling the truth when you can lie, or not going for sweets when your cravings call. What do you do when you're fumbling with bills, playing with kids, working a busy job? You're focusing on that and that ONLY! Try another focus. When do you find yourself going for the Jelly Bellys? What time of day, what are you doing? If worse comes to it, GET RID OF THEM!

    Message me if you'd like any encouragement or more tips! I've been through this road time and time again... DON'T DESPAIR! You are worth more - and your health is worth more! - than the call of the Jelly Belly.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    One, everything in moderation. And two, if its not in the house, you cant see it and cant eat it. I got rid of anything i know i couldn't control myself around. ITs working so far, but the hubby will bring home things i really want to eat, but i just reach for something else. Hang in there! Its just the start of your journey. Its a marathon, not a sprint. You will have days like this, as im sure i will too. Just brush yourself off and tomorrow is a new day.
  • Honey, don't beat yourself up about that, we all fail from time to time. I told you about my oatmeal cookie downfall and you were the one that made me laugh it off & keep going so if you can do it for me then you have to learn to do it for yourself! I know it's hard to remove everything from your house b/c I am in the same boat with the boys & Tim. I am not going to make them suffer b/c I have no willpower so I just keep on trucking.....I have wanted to eat everything in the house today for some reason so I am getting out of here! Don't get down on yourself, you can do this & you are going to be so proud of yourself in the end b/c you did it! I know how strong you are, don't you ever doubt how AMAZING you are!! I love you Honey Bunny!!!
  • Honey, don't beat yourself up about that, we all fail from time to time. I told you about my oatmeal cookie downfall and you were the one that made me laugh it off & keep going so if you can do it for me then you have to learn to do it for yourself! I know it's hard to remove everything from your house b/c I am in the same boat with the boys & Tim. I am not going to make them suffer b/c I have no willpower so I just keep on trucking.....I have wanted to eat everything in the house today for some reason so I am getting out of here! Don't get down on yourself, you can do this & you are going to be so proud of yourself in the end b/c you did it! I know how strong you are, don't you ever doubt how AMAZING you are!! I love you Honey Bunny!!!

    You are the BEST, Big C! Love you too!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    awesome advice from everyone...

    and you are absolutely not alone!
  • I struggle with the same thing. What's been helping me is, when I think of reaching for that junk food, instead of saying to myself "just this once", I say to myself "One good decision at a time"... I tell myself I will make this a good decision, and I can make a "bad" decision later. Then I feel so proud for conquering that craving! I try to do that every time... before I know it, I've made 6 or 7 Good Decisions in a row!

    Also, sometimes I plan one day to be a Guilt-Free day. I will go to Burger King and get french fries or go out for ice cream. I don't allow myself to have guilt about it, and then the next day is back to healthy eating as normal!
  • Also, sometimes I plan one day to be a Guilt-Free day. I will go to Burger King and get french fries or go out for ice cream. I don't allow myself to have guilt about it, and then the next day is back to healthy eating as normal!

    I definitely will be taking this advice. Just not right now in the beginning. Im still struggling with going for one day without bad choices. I'm doing it, just struggling with it. But it gets easier and easier with each passing day that I commit myself to changing my life.