Killing Two Birds with One Stone - so to speak

My name is Joan and I just found out a couple of weeks ago that I have Diabetes Type ll and have a whole lot of weight to lose:bigsmile: . I also have some serious spinal injuries that have taken away my ability to do much exercise and also have led to multiple surgeries, steroid injections, etc. My primary care doctor was concerned when the Glucose Tolerance Test was so bad that he not only started me testing my blood twice a day, but also contacted a pharmacist that he knows who does counseling and food management training. One of the pharmacy students told me about this is perfect because I do need to not only eat a certain amount of calories but have to make sure that I eat a specific amount of proteins, carbs, fats, etc. I love this meal planner - it helps me so much. I will be around a long time, if not forever.


  • mskimmyd
    mskimmyd Posts: 25 Member
    Sorry to hear about your medical problems, but I'm very glad that the pharmacy student directed you here; I know I plan on sticking around this website for a long time, too! Good luck to you!