Motivation Needed!

I have been doing ok for the past week.. until today, anyways! My problem is mostly, Exercising!! I just can't seem to get motivated to do any! I am lucky to have enough energy to take care of my children, clean house and do laundry. I always say.. ok, tomorrow! But tomorrow comes and goes!! Any suggestions??? I literally could sleep my life away, if I was able too. I am always so tired! It feels like a struggle just to get through each day. NOW, I am supposed to try and workout? IDK how I will even get there!


  • MaryEffingPoppins
    MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
    No motivation needed for this exercise! I walk 3 miles in the morning right in my bedroom! Try it out until you get more motivated to get out and do more. Baby steps! Hope this helps
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I understand that life has a way of getting in the way when it comes to working out. But, if you REALLY want it - you'll carve out the time to accomplish your goals. YOU are worth it.

    For me, doing at home workouts does NOT work. I need the gym to stay motivated. I've tried many times to lose weight using at home dvds and I always find a reason why I can "just do it tomorrow". When you're paying for a gym membership - you don't tend to try and look for an excuse as often (or at least I don't).

    You'll have far more energy and will feel better if you workout. I know it sounds off, but it is true. I feel better, sleep better, and have tons more energy when I am going to the gym on a regular basis.

    Start out slowly. Do 15 mins every other day and gradually increase your time.

    If you really want it - you'll do it.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    it's a choice.....there are days i dont feel like doing it, but if you want results you cant not do something...alot of people say that they can drink water, eat right and not exercise and get results......i dont buy it.....exercise helps with overall fitness, health and well being....if you find something you enjoy doing then it will keep you motivated.....good luck to ya
  • Gay11nell
    Gay11nell Posts: 166 Member
    GUESS WHAT??? U are exercising: cleaning, doing laundry is exercise!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Try timing urself and each time after that try doing it faster. Do biceps/triceps curls with the bleach bottle and washing detergent. Keep the empty ones fill with water, if necessary. Everytime U put a load in the washer. Do a set - it help. Picking up landry baskets can turn into doing squats. If U are feeling goofy do lunges to the machine, lol. Even though U feel goofy/silly it works.

    Second I used my kids to slowly ease myself into exercise. Not sure how old they are, but start by taking them to the park and just playing with them on the playground, all that climbing, chasing them around, teaching them how to swing and all that stuff really help. If they are smaller put them in a stroller and take them on a walk. Now I ride bikes with them, skate with them and hula-hoop(that hula-hoop really works ur abs). Just last night I played Just Dance with them on the Wii, The Wii also has a hula-hoop game for when its raining outside.

    The best part is U dnt feel like Ur exercising and U come as the best Mom in the world.

    Good Luck!!!!!!
  • Heidi64
    Heidi64 Posts: 211 Member
    How's your health? Had a check up lately? Blood work? Anemia and hypothyroidism are two things that come to my mind reading your post. How's your diet? I used to think I ate pretty healthy, until I actually ate pretty healthy. Make sure that's all in good order and don't get down on yourself. Taking care of kids, laundry, cooking and cleaning are all exercise too! Make sure your health is good and then go from there working/building up to more strenuous exercising.
  • Luv4staind
    Thanks everyone!!! I guess I need to fill in my bio section on here. LOL..Anyways, I am a mother of 3 boys.. ages 11, 6 and 7 months. My eating habits are pretty horrible!! I have been eating the same as I did when I was pregnant. LOTS OF JUNK!! I recently joined this and decided I would try and watch my calorie intake and portions.. I haven't had any medical checkups since I was pregnant and postpartum checkups. I have been healthy for the most part and no major issues, other than having a slight degenerated disc in my lower back. Maybe, I need to get to the doctor. Exactly what tests should I ask for? I am still trying to lose this baby weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that everyone says, if you really want it.. then you will push to do it. I understand that.. But when your just exhausted and sometimes depressed.. its just too easy to say FORGET IT! Ill try tomorrow/next week. I like the idea of working out while cleaning.. lol.. I also try to use my 7 month old as a weight, when playing with him. He is already 19 pounds!! I do some leg lifts with him on my legs, arm lifts when raising him up in the air and etc... To him, its just fun play time~ lol
  • katcoleesp
    katcoleesp Posts: 33 Member
    I personally ...was totally exhausted...sit for 5 min and I could literally go to sleep, went to DR, told her my issues with no energy, she ran tests for diabetes, thyroid, cholesterol, blood levels, white and red counts, etc..the only thing that we came up with is that I have had a lingering cough, sinus, allergies and as soon as that cleared up with antibotic, I was better. I bought B-12 and a multi-vitamin as well and they seem to help. I started a journal on hours of sleep...OMG...was I amazed...only 5-6 hrs a night, so I try to get more sleep....
    Children keep you running, I have a daycare and I have 9 children all day, so I do understand...
    Wishing you the best,
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,434 Member
    Can you join a gym? Especially one with childcare. Then what you do is take your older kids to school in the morning and you and the baby go straight to the gym! I can NOT workout at home. I will find every excuse in the book to avoid it. I also have to go workout first thing in the morning once I've dropped my kids off or again, I will find every excuse to avoid it! If you can't afford a gym, do the same thing but bring a stroller, strap that baby in the stroller and go for a walk after dropping off the other kids. Make it part of your routine. It's good for both of you. Once you start getting some exercise, you will sleep better AND you'll feel better when you are awake. Get your bloodwork done and then do this for yourself and your kids! Good luck~