10,000 steps and counting

does anybodt out there have a pedometer
how many steps do u do
how many would u like to do
I do around 20,000 steps a day
how many do u do
would love to hear from u
see who can do more each day


  • CPrincipeDeSA
    CPrincipeDeSA Posts: 27 Member
    I use my pedometer daily, but I make no where near the number of steps you do unless I wear it to Zumba class. I do have to say, I'm kind of disappointed that MFP does not have a specific place for pedometer/steps to be tracked.
  • laura2501
    laura2501 Posts: 107 Member
    it would be good to have somewhere to log in your steps,,, i dont drive so i walk everywhere so thats why my steps are high,, today i have only done 11.388 but for a sunday thats not to bad
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    I think the health authorities here where I live recommend at least 10.000 steps a day (or exercise similar to at least 10.000 steps a day).
  • laura2501
    laura2501 Posts: 107 Member
    yea 10,000 steps are recomended for a healthy life style but because im trying to loss weight i try to do at least 20,000 and i have hit 30.000 a few times when i do that i know i have lost something that week