Greetings from Croatia

dvonic Posts: 15 Member
Hi people,
how are you?

I love your site and what you are doing here.
My dream is to be successful as you all here and lose my weight.
The goal is 82-85 kg, and I hope to lose it in next 12 months.

I've got 1 kg down already, so 16 more to go,hehe.

Love from Croatia,


  • olso123
    olso123 Posts: 192 Member
    Welcome Darlo. This is a great site to track your progress and to get the support and motivations to stay focused. Establish a good group of MFP friends and you will be on your way to success. Good luck with your goal.
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    Welcome to MFP, I joined about 5 weeks ago and have lost 16lbs (roughly 7kg's) so far and my next weigh-in is tomorrow so I'm trying my best to be very good today! Tracking food & exercise makes it an easy structure to follow and there is loads of support available from other members should you need it. I find looking in the Community > Success Stories at least once a day and seeing everyones before & after pics is very motivational. Good Luck!