Been here a month ... looking for men MFP friends .. 50 + yr

Just think it would be nice to connects with guys facing similar challenges and goals. Looking to be at my proper weight the rest of my life. Exercise a lot .... working at a desk ... but they just added a fitness center upstairs and are encouraging us to join wellness ... so I get re-inforcement at work.


  • My friend James_54 :happy: is a great friend to me and I am sure he would be to you too. Plus he is always on task toward his goal. Look him up.
  • macbikegeek
    macbikegeek Posts: 23 Member
    Happy to connect but I'm doing Paleo so my diet approach may not entirely match yours. Just switched to a standing desk about a month ago. Got out on my bike and starting back to the gym tomorrow. Welcome to MFP. Slow and steady is what works - setting goals and approach for daily eating and then staying to the plan gets you there, even with the odd splurge once in a while.

  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    Hey there,

    macbikegeek's right -- slow and steady is the way to go. MFP will be a huge help for tracking your food and exercise, and that will go a long way to helping you manage everything properly. It's made a HUGE difference for me -- I knew I wasn't getting much exercise, but it wasn't until I started tracking my food that I realized how much I was eating. Now I'm eating (a little) better, and exercising (a lot) more...and that has helped me drop 20 of the 30 pounds I'm working on.

    Best wishes, and good luck to you! You will definitely be successful! Feel free to add me. I'm not _quite_ in the age range you're looking for, but I think us guys do need to stick together -- we're really outnumbered around here. *grin
