Lost 13 lbs.....but feeling kinda discouraged



  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Maybe he didn't want to embarrass you. I know my husband is hesitant to say anything sometimes because it points out that I needed to lose the weight in the first place.
    my hubby is same!
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I'll definitely be keeping the clothes on in the future....cuz that just didn't feel good. It made me depressed..but I had to snap out of it...because I didn't want to ruin the weekend. I'm gonna keep at it...not for him...but for me.
    that's the spirit!!!!!!!!!!!:smile:
  • kingofmydomain
    It took me a little over a month to lose 13lbs...and although I'm happy about it, I'm feeling a little discouraged now. My clothes fit a little more loosely..and I feel lighter on my feet. At work I wear a smock..so no one there has really noticed a difference, except to say my face looks brighter..I've run into a few people while out running errands who have noticed I've lost some weight...and that makes me really happy. The problem is...I went away for the weekend with someone very special to me....I even wore a new bathing suit.....and nothing...not one word. Wow...I was so embarassed that I put on a robe..and kept it on. I felt weird..and self conscious. Maybe I just haven't lost enough for him to notice........so depressed now, I can hardly eat anything at all. How much weight do I have to lose before it gets noticed?

    Dear, you are quite stunning. I'm sure you look perfect in anything you wear. I can not even imagine having someone like you model a swim suit in front of
    me and not grabbing you. While I will admit to some guys being clueless..even the most clueless of men would notice you. You should friend me!
  • AleenaZ
    AleenaZ Posts: 117
    Therein lies the problem.....I haven't seen him since BEFORE I started my fatloss journey...well over a month..and with the compliments I've gotten from others..I was hoping, anticipating that he would notice also. Even when I put my suit on..and tried to...in a not so obvious way...do a little twirl, to show off my "smaller" tummy...and when he didn't say anything..I immediately walked out and hid out in the pool. Thinking..maybe it's the suit?? Yeah right. I'm doin this for me, of course...but I was just hoping he..of all people..would " find waldo".

    That a girl :) We're very proud of you .. loosing 10 lbs isn't easy ..we know ..so you just keep your chin up and keep up the good work you're doing ...