Missed a birth control pill..



  • cutiekaylaa
    Okay, thank you everyone!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    It's hard to say, since we don't know which pill you are taking. Just read the instructions that came with the pill or look it up on the pill's website. There's also a great community called vaginapagina (on LJ), where you can get good advice on this topic.

    And remember to use extra protection for 7 days after a missed pill.

    Btw, I've always heard that you should *not* double up on the pill, a missed dose is considered missed after 4hs (though that could depend on the pill), so you should just wait until the next day to get back on schedule.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    What your "period" is isn't a true period by the sounds of it. It's what you get when you stop taking it, a bit like when you have your weeks break or sugar pills you get a period then, same thing really. Personally I would just keep taking the pill where you left off, ignoring the pill on the day you missed, and taking your next break/sugar pills when they are due. This is what I have always done (was on the pill for 4 years) and it's what it said to do on the leaflet instructions UNLESS you are in the last 7 days of the pack, in which case you do not take the 7 day break when you are supposed to and you just go straight into the next pack or it may not be effective against getting pregnant. If you are earlier in your pack, then after 7 days of continuously taking it again you should be protected.

    This will mean you get 2 periods in a month (unless you go straight onto the next pack) but after that it should be back on schedule :) If you have any issues with it apart from the 2 periods thing I would go see your doctor about it.
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    If you miss a day, you're supposed to take that pill, plus the next pill together. That will put you on schedule. You'll be messed up, but it will regulate again.
    You are never suppose to take 2 pills that is dangerous!!!

    It's not dangerous, thats what every Dr I have gone to says to do. Along with insert on pills.

    That's what my doctors have told me to and it says it on the package to take them together- at least the one that I take do.
    That's not what the Dr. told me.
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    I say call your Dr. if they say do then go for it but I wouldn't without their consent. It may depend on what type you take but I was told if I missed one and didn't realize till the next day to not take two.
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    If you miss a day, you're supposed to take that pill, plus the next pill together. That will put you on schedule. You'll be messed up, but it will regulate again.
    You are never suppose to take 2 pills that is dangerous!!!

    It's not dangerous, thats what every Dr I have gone to says to do. Along with insert on pills.

    That's what my doctors have told me to and it says it on the package to take them together- at least the one that I take do.
    That's not what the Dr. told me.
    Check your pill packet, it will tell you to take the missed pill as soon as you remember, then the next pill normal time.
  • sabracadabra
    If you miss a day, you're supposed to take that pill, plus the next pill together. That will put you on schedule. You'll be messed up, but it will regulate again.
    You are never suppose to take 2 pills that is dangerous!!!

    Actually that is what both my doctor told me AND what it says on my pill pack instructions. I take LoEstrin FE (Junel FE) if that matters...
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    If you miss a day, you're supposed to take that pill, plus the next pill together. That will put you on schedule. You'll be messed up, but it will regulate again.
    You are never suppose to take 2 pills that is dangerous!!!

    It says on the literature to take the second dose if you miss ONE day... It's if you miss two or more days that you really have problems
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    If you miss a day, you're supposed to take that pill, plus the next pill together. That will put you on schedule. You'll be messed up, but it will regulate again.
    You are never suppose to take 2 pills that is dangerous!!!

    As many others have said, generally most pills are meant to be doubled up the next day. The insert on every pill I took said that, as did my doctors. However, I stopped taking hormonal birth control years ago 'cause I didn't want that stuff in my body anymore, so maybe there are some pills now on which you are not supposed to do that. But it seems silly that someone to told you to throw it out and start a new pack. Women miss BCP all the time, that's generally how "accidents" happen, and they aren't told to start a new pack. Now, being that this is the internet and BCP are medication, you should read your insert and talk to your doctor if you have further questions, and use a back up method in the mean time. You should never take anyone's advice about medication except for a doctor, or even better - a pharmacist.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    If you miss a day, you're supposed to take that pill, plus the next pill together. That will put you on schedule. You'll be messed up, but it will regulate again.
    You are never suppose to take 2 pills that is dangerous!!!
    I agree with the above.. and use extra protection in the meantime. :)
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    If you miss a day, you're supposed to take that pill, plus the next pill together. That will put you on schedule. You'll be messed up, but it will regulate again.
    You are never suppose to take 2 pills that is dangerous!!!

    Actually that is what both my doctor told me AND what it says on my pill pack instructions. I take LoEstrin FE (Junel FE) if that matters...

    Exactly. It says that on pretty much every package of birth control pills.
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    Set an alarm on your phone as a reminder. Helps a lot.
  • Michellerw1
    Call your doc or talk to your pharmacist.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    If you miss a day, you're supposed to take that pill, plus the next pill together. That will put you on schedule. You'll be messed up, but it will regulate again.
    You are never suppose to take 2 pills that is dangerous!!!

    It's not dangerous, thats what every Dr I have gone to says to do. Along with insert on pills.

    That's what my doctors have told me to and it says it on the package to take them together- at least the one that I take do.
    That's not what the Dr. told me.

    So, what DID your doctor tell you to do?
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    You may have been told not to take more than one a day because of a condition you may have (liver condition, high blood pressure, on MAOIs, have a family history of stroke). The doctor will just defer to what the instructions in your pill pack say. You don't need a back up method if you miss one (although peace of mind is always good). You DO if you miss two, for at least 7 days. If you miss three or more, chuck the pack and use a back up method until the start of your next cycle when you start the new pack. (All of this is written in every set of instructions in birth control I have ever come in contact with.) If it's a common occurrence for you to forget, you should consider another method of birth control.