Strength training calories burned?

I just joined yesterday, I was wondering if there is anyway to calculate calories burned in strength training? I can see it for cardio but not strength. Want to make sure I'm getting credit for all that work:smile:


  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    I have it on mine. Let me look it up and get back to you! :)
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    try this....Strength training (weight lifting, weight training)
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    get yourself a Heart Rate Monitor, well worth it, I deduct about 10% worth of calories from this site after using a HRM
  • me525
    me525 Posts: 155
    I'm wondering about this also, I want every calorie burned to show up! I do 2 circuits of the arm and leg machines at the gym, 12 reps on arms and 15 on legs with no idea of what 's being burned....... i love my cardio, but I don't love it enough to spend 60mins on it:)
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Put the strength training in the cardio section and it will suggest how many calories you have actually burned. Honestly I think it's LOW but i went with it anyway. E.G I did 90 mins a strength training doing 100 reps each of 6 different exercises. It said I burned 441 calories!!! Come on son! lol. I will do my own research and calculate a fairer assessment.

    A HRM is a great investment.
  • me525
    me525 Posts: 155
    Put the strength training in the cardio section and it will suggest how many calories you have actually burned. Honestly I think it's LOW but i went with it anyway. E.G I did 90 mins a strength training doing 100 reps each of 6 different exercises. It said I burned 441 calories!!! Come on son! lol. I will do my own research and calculate a fairer assessment.

    A HRM is a great investment.

    interesting...... i'll have to try this.... and i have to say, i do enjoy getting low estimate of calories burned, I figure if it says 500 and i actually burned more, i'll be able to stay WAY below on my calorie intake (since this site gives back calories burned, i'd rather not eat back every calorie burned).