I am new and would like to hear from others who suffer from IBS, preferably the diarrhea side of it. It can be pretty life altering and I would like to just get to a point where I can go to dinner and a movie without having to run to the bathroom. I try to maintain it by watching what I eat but it seems that after eating I have to just sit down for approximately an hour, otherwise I am right in the bathroom. How do you deal with this and what can I do to make this a better situation?


  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    You might wish to consider talking to your physician about ZELNORM and ask him if he thinks that would help. Fair warning: If you and the Doc decide to give it a try, make certain you know where all the bathrooms are located throughout your travels during the day. That is, if you think it's going to be a "toot" (passing gas), it might not be. It takes a little while for your system to adjust to the new medication. Some just take 1/2 of the usual 5 mg. tab per day to start. Good luck. IBS is certainly not an easy situation to live with but it can be more tolerable and controllable. Each individual's case and treatment results are different. Add me to your list if you wish. :)
  • cgreagor
    I suffered for several years of this and it was horrible. When I had bouts, it felt as if I was having a baby with the cramps! It would hit me at the worst places, once I was in Vegas and had to run to the bathroom and everyone in there ran out! It was so emberrassing! I did go to my doctor and we worked on my diet first. I found out after trial and error coffee was causing it. I would have 2-3 starbucks lattes a week and that was causing in. Since I gave those up I have not had any troubles like that again. It is such a relief because it was running my life! Good luck, I sure feel for you!