"skipping" a meal

Ok, so I had a late breakfast (930) so of course when I should have had lunch I wasn't hungry so I had a snack. and another snack a couple hours later. I will be having a bit of a large dinner, so I'm wondering was it really that bad to not have had an actual "lunch"?

Thanks in advance for all imput!


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Totally fine. Get all your calories and your nutrients, on whatever schedule you can, and the body will work the rest out. Cheers.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    Nope, doesn't really matter. Your body doens't know the labels for meals. It just processes what you send down. Keep a balanced day and you'll be fine.
  • kaitlynnesmommy
    kaitlynnesmommy Posts: 166 Member
    I wouldn't make it a habit but once in a while wont hurt!
  • DSummersCM
    I think that's ok as long as you don't make a habit of it. That usually happens to me on the weekend because I sleep in later and then eat my breakfast later.
  • Aleciajones
    IMO not since you had the two snacks. Some think smaller meals multiple times are better than the big 3.
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    Not bad at all. Keep your day balanced and you will be fine.
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    I agree, small snacks just to keep you from getting hungry are great!! Especially if you are going to have a big dinner.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    i dont see the problem....you're still eating every few hours and not overeating just because the clock says you should be eating a bigger meal. as long as you arent starving yourself and you feel satisfied, no problem in my book. it would be counterproductive to eat a bigger lunch when you arent hungry for it. your body tells you what to do!
  • me525
    me525 Posts: 155
    Thanks all! This is what I figured, but I so often hear that skipping meals is bad, etc...... Glad to hear it's ok once in a while:)
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    It's only a problem if you miss a meal then end up suddenly getting hungry and losing your ability not to eat everything in sight! :bigsmile: