Clean Eating!



  • Clean eating isn't a "plan" or a diet- it is simply a change in lifestyle. It also means many different things to many different people. You might want to look at for ideas and recipes.

    i LOVE this website! shes got some great recipes!
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I really try to eat clean. And low on the food chain. I have a history of ED and eating this way has been essential to my recovery. I still sometimes screw it up but start fresh the next day.

    Add me. I need help--last night I made salad and potatoes ( all organic of course) and my husband stopped at a drivethru on the way home for his dinner :( He does that sometimes and it drives me crazy!
  • jactig
    jactig Posts: 1 Member
    Yes!!! Love it. Tried several recipes - all great! Your sauces , Bolognese sauce in sept/oct 2010, soooo Yummy! I like the idea of making everything and knowing what my family is eating!
  • I was just going to post a question about clean eatting. I heard that you can eat more cals (like 1800 aday instead of 1400) and still lose weight. Is this true?

  • Add me. I need help--last night I made salad and potatoes ( all organic of course) and my husband stopped at a drivethru on the way home for his dinner :( He does that sometimes and it drives me crazy!

    I have the same problem with my husband. He likes what he likes and won't change for health or for me.

  • Add me. I need help--last night I made salad and potatoes ( all organic of course) and my husband stopped at a drivethru on the way home for his dinner :( He does that sometimes and it drives me crazy!

    I have the same problem with my husband. He likes what he likes and won't change for health or for me.

    Yep, same issue in my house! I cook a lot and try to eat as clean as possible. My DH loves the drive thru's too much. He'll know I am making us dinner but stops by for his $.99 burger as an appitizer. Grrrr it's very frustrating.
  • maine7290
    maine7290 Posts: 17 Member
    You should check out this website for recipe ideas!

    You can sign up for the daily recipe. Great recipes. Check them out :happy:
  • I really try to eat clean, wish I could do alot better. I base my meals on whatever fresh produce is available at the farmers market & what I get out of my garden that week. I would like to go organic but can't always afford that. Always looking for ways to eat delicious healthy, clean foods that are also affordable. Luckily my family likes good healthy food also & none of them are very picky, I am a good cook & I experiment with different foods, not affraid to try anything. My family are my guinea pigs when I create new concoctions. Would love to have some clean eaters as friends to keep me on track, share recipes & offer & receive support. Add me!
  • I am trying to follow the eat clean diet as per Tosca Reno's books. I have just started recently so not perfect. I am not as concerned right now with the whole organic food thing as it is just a bit expensive for me and not all that available where I live. I have started making almost all of my food, which is actually saving me some money as I'm not going out to eat as much. I try to focus on lots of produce and lean protein. I'm doing the whole carb and protein combo at every meal/snack like Tosca recommends and I have found that I am much less tired after meals that I used to be. I am diet pop free for the past two weeks. I got rid of the creamer from my coffee. I am also counting calories because I am afraid I won't lose otherwise, although I know that it's not really part of the clean eating lifestyle perse. And as another responder mentioned, I don't do the whole protein suplements/powder thing that some clean eaters do. I am trying to get my protein and what not from whole foods. Anyway, feel free to add me.
  • I went vegan 15 days ago. That change alone caused us to eat much cleaner! This was a concept that was given to me earlier this year by a trainer. I meant to follow it then but didn't. We are now and although it takes planning, it's really worth it. Just being able to fully enjoy meals without feeling "I shouldn't be eating this" is worth the change! :-)

    Please add me to the Clean Eating group, wahoo!
  • mollykat73
    mollykat73 Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for the great info! I will check out the websites.

  • Add me. I need help--last night I made salad and potatoes ( all organic of course) and my husband stopped at a drivethru on the way home for his dinner :( He does that sometimes and it drives me crazy!

    I have the same problem with my husband. He likes what he likes and won't change for health or for me.

    Yep, same issue in my house! I cook a lot and try to eat as clean as possible. My DH loves the drive thru's too much. He'll know I am making us dinner but stops by for his $.99 burger as an appitizer. Grrrr it's very frustrating.

    What I have learnt is not to eat together, circumstances have changed in our household with sports, work etc that we don't eat together, therefore our meals are not such a big deal in the day/evening and they grab pre made foods... A couple of months ago, I cleaned out the top 2 shelves in our fridge which is now where "pre made to eat now if you're hungry food is..." We are all toning up and looking good...

    I like to plan ahead, fill in my diary the night before after I've eaten (more discipline that way) and I can see my daily food balance...
  • I'm semi new to clean eating also, within the last 3-4months. I could use the support and would love to support and share ideas with everyone. feel free to add me : )
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    I try to eat pretty clean - I just really need to watch how much I eat, which is why I joined MFP to track and find support. While I haven't read Tosca Reno's book yet, Clean Eating mag is a great resource.

    Feel free to add me - I could use the support as well!
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    liza001 - Could you please explain a bit more about what types of foods you keep on those shelves?
    We have a similar situation here with 3 busy sons, husband coaching, everyone working, etc. I would love to hear more - I hate when they grab quick, unhealthy things on their own but I can't blame them for not taking the time to sort through our fridge to make something up!
  • I just make a big bowl of spagetti bolonaise and (I'm so happy they now prefer) wholemeal pasta.. They just grab what they want and heat in the microwave...

    Or baked stuffed chicken.. Just stuff with olives, cheese, herbs etc and bake..

    Casseroles ... I like to pan cook dry whole bits of meat then add stock once cooked I then allow to cool cut into chunks and return to pan with the vegetables that I prepared while meat was cooling...

    Always have pasta, rice ready cooked wait g to grab... And a couple of meat dishes...

    I think we imagine it's complicated... It isn't, we are creatures of habit... So our food it only 6 or so fav recipes.. Of couse it's best to eat as soon as it's cooked, however it's best to have reheated than be overwhelmed and grabbing something unhealthy promising ourselves we'll do better next meal.. I lived like that for years! Lol. Now I eith cook for myself or who's there and the rest reheat later...
  • me too! my boyfriend was brought up on pre packaged meals and fast foods, we're making baby steps though i now pack his lunch and he'll eat a clean dinner with me 3-4 times a week.
  • mo1700
    mo1700 Posts: 78 Member
    I am vegetarian bordering on vegan and just love all this great info and websites thank you all
  • Sorry about the typos in my above message.. It was after I had driven 3200miles over the last 2 days and I was exhausted... I can't seem to edit it so I hope you can work out the bits... While I'm away I am planning to clean up my life... Not just clean eating... Sounds drastic, it's not meant to be... Just organizing myself better and I'll have the time now to concentrate on it...

    A couple of years ago we made up a nutrition pyramid and as the kids had their protein or carbs etc they would colour in the square.. Including 8 squares at the bottom for water..

    2 fruit
    4 dairy and protein
    5 veggies
    6 carbohydrates
    8 water

    The top would be 1 junk food which is now eliminated... The kids don't want it! hahaha it's now 1 treat ... Healthy = 2squares of dark chocolate.. Or home made ice-cream etc I only have my youngest 2 at home with us now.. One of my older daughters works with me so I have the office fridge stocked for us there... Loads of salad things... Wholemeal bread in the freezer (home & office). I have the george fullman grill at the office so some days I'll cook capsican, mushrooms, carrot, beetroot etc on it... Microwave corn..

    The shelves in the fridge are at eye level ... Right there in front of their face.. And I just rotate the things on the shelves.. Was tired of throwing out good food gone bad from being in the back lower corner hidden..

    Most nights I like to have yoghurt with 1teas cinnamon and strawberries or kiwi fruit etc ... Mornings I like carbohydrates, so this would be oats, rice or toast. Lunch is protein and 3 veggies .. Snacks are other 2 veggies and carbohydrates.. I like to eat in daylight times only, mainly in the morning.. Lunch is 12noon afternoon is 4pm snack.. 6pm yoghurt..

    My Son for breakfast, likes pasta and dinner foods and yoghurt, fruit and a smoothy... After school he likes more pasta and meats and then off to training to come home for more dinner foods... Likes his 3+ veggies last meal of the day.. Has 1serve morning and the other after school..

    My daughter likes yoghurt with fruit diced on top, banana or strawberries etc.. And grated dark choc sprinked on top ... Might be as much as 1/2 teaspoon and a heaped teaspoon of thickened cream.. Pasta, fruit and veggies for take to school lunch .. Little veggies and fruit after school and main meal 3+ veggies meat

    Neither of them have toast or bread...

    Currently the kids are enjoying baked vegetables on nights where they eat together or an hour or so apart... So I'll just keep them warm in the oven waiting for them to come home...

    My husband just grabs food from the shelf when he wants it... He, like me, prefers to have main meal lunch and a snacky dinner..

    I was able (we were all able) to lose weight when we fed ourselves when we wanted the food rather than when "it was time" to eat together... We still have quality time, just not every meal time... More in the mornings when we are starting our day, working out, preparing our breakfasts and packing lunches, eating breakfast around the breakfast bar... Etc..

    I get the kids to find a recipe on the Internet they want for a meal... I also get them to make a couple of meals a week with me.. Their recipe usually... Sometimes it's ahead of time others it's a big batch for some now, some for later arrivals and rest for tomorrow's meals... No second servings! if we are still hungry then it's having something else after you wait 20mins...

    I have a list of 100 healthiest foods if you would like it? Maybe message me if you do?
  • I have a confession I need to post! With everything going on my brain scrambled a tad... I calculated the klm to miles wrong... It wasn't 2000klm therefore 3200miles .. It was 2000klms therefore 994miles ooops.. ^_^  I suppose it was due to converting kgs to lbs that I went the same way with the miles... Hahaha ooops 

    Here are some recipes...

    Tortilla chicken wraps

    Wholemeal wrap

    Bake 5 mins in mod oven

    Easy for kids to make themselves.. They will like to make it (once encouraged) and helps them to build confidence in healthy choices..

    •   1/2 cup crunchy GF rice noodles

    •   2 Chicken Breast cut into chunky pieces

    •   chilli and grated ginger to taste
    •   1 Continental Cucumber

    Here is a website (just so happens it's not far from where I am currently staying)

    I substitute sauces for my own herbs etc BBQ sauce now tastes like it has cleaning chemicals in it, yikes! Lol
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