Quit Smoking..and...and...and...advice and advise pls



  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    If you feel its time to do both go ahead dont let no one stop you. Dont be discouraged over a
    fall and keep going. With new healthy habits, support and will power you can do it.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I suggest looking at this as time for a total life and health makeover and just do it all. Why struggle twice when you can fight like hell and struggle once? Food and cigarettes are SUPER hard addictions to battle but no better time than the present to get going! Maybe just ween yourself into it slowly over the coming weeks until youre ready to throw them out entirely. YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • Anjaza
    Anjaza Posts: 12
    Hi All :happy:

    I'm truly grateful and very thankfull for everyone's pea in the pot !!

    I can't describe what it means to know there's actually a lot of people out there with similar and different stories and having gone through the same what I'm attending to do! Just knowing this is seriously a big help and in the days to come I'll be reading the comments and posts over and over again just to keep up the motivation and inspiration and give me the strenght to see this through. I know my sister would have approved and would have been there for me if she didn't pass away in December 2010 :cry: She never smoked in all her life and always wanted me to stop smoking and nagged without end. I know she would have been proud of me when I see this through. :heart:

    D-Day : 2 days to go!!! :drinker: