Weight in Stomach ONLY



  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I have PCOS. Storing weight around your 'midsection' can be a symptom of that. So Not only does the body store it there, it makes it harder to burn off.

    I've been doing a combination of Cardio (Zumba) and Weights/Cardio (BodyPump) and I'm losing weight from my midsection pretty well.

    There is one excercise in BodyPump where they tell you to lift the weight 'no higher than your belly button' .... but that really didn't apply to me, since my belly button was at the top of my thighs. LOL.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I took a look at your diary and for the most part it looks pretty good. You are eating some nice foods :) However, if you strength train, I highly recommend increasing your protein intake.

    A combination of cardio, strength training and proper nutrition are going to help get rid of belly fat. They say abs are made in the kitchen and they are not lying. I teach 6-10 fitness classes a week and until I started eating cleaner, my abs were hidden behind a layer of fat. The key is to eat as clean as possible. I wanted my abs to pop this summer for a fitness convention I was going to, so I really focused on lifting heavy and my nutrition. For more details of what I did, check out my blog and my progress pics on my profile page.


    Best of luck to you!