New to Paleo

cammons Posts: 126 Member
I've been eating Paleo for just under a week now and I'm very much enjoying it. I have been gluten free for almost nine years so my transition to grain free eating seems to be a little easier than I have read it may be for most people.My allergist suggested that I look into a diet without dairy to help with my severe allergies and the associated sinus problems; somehow that lead me down the Paleo path. I'm not claiming anything miraculous but I've noticed this weekend that there seems to be less congestion and sinus pressure than there has been in many months and I want to keep up the good work.

I am having trouble getting enough fat in my diet and was hoping for some suggestions as to how I can work it in to my day without making it feel like a chore. I love salad but can't stand salad dressing (it makes my veggies so slimy!), which seems like the easiest way to add some fat to the day. I've been trying to eat an ounce or two of walnuts daily as well but I'm thinking that isn't anywhere near enough to cover it. I love avocados, but living in Los Angeles has made me a bit of an avocado snob and avocados in Ohio are barely edible at best.


Thanks so much,


  • cook with olive oil or coconut oil?
  • welcome to paleo:) eggs are delicious, and definitely have the fat you are looking for, same with red meat!
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Cook veggies in coconut oil (yum!)
    Coconut butter
    Almond butter
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    Funny, I never thought to cook my veggies in oil. My mother was always a fan of very plain foods so if I cook my veggies at all they are almost always steamed and when we cook meat we either broil it or grill it with no marinades; we gave up on those when I went gluten was easier than reading all those labels and that's what Mom always did so it seemed right. I'll have to get a few different kinds of oils to play with the next time I get a day off of work (which may be never). I'll be traveling to Columbus this weekend and can make a quick trip to Whole Foods to investigate new oils (I usually stick with olive for just about everything.)

    Eggs! I love hard boiled eggs, how is it that I forgot about those?!?!? I'll have to learn to like the yolks too but it's just part of the process...the dog is going to be soooo disappointed that he won't get my yolks anymore...well, not all of them!

    Thanks guys, you're awesome!
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    There is also "Udo's Oil". It's an omega fatty acid supplement. A lot of athletes use it. You can find it at Whole Foods as well but it is in the refrigerated part of the supplement section, not the oil section. :bigsmile:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm new to paleo too, as of a couple weeks ago. So far I am loving it! I've been being a bit more generous with the fat that I use in my frying pan and I've been saving my bacon grease and duck fat to use to cook in later. Yum! (Although perhaps not ideal in terms of omega 6/3 ratio.) I also made ghee (clarified butter) a couple weeks ago. It was very easy to do and has a wonderful smooth, nutty flavor that goes great on veggies.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I am a big fan of incorporating natural dairy, but since that's not the route for you...

    coconut oil, grapeseed oil
    walnuts, almonds, etc
    meat... with a side of meat...
    sh*tty avocados :)
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    GF here too, mostly primal eating, shooting for paleo. looks good and I think I will make this tomorrow and share my thoughts on it.

    I do allot of fish and chicken, nuts and dehydrated raw foods receipies. I love using so many awesome flavors and tons of butter. I don't crave sweets at all, and I avoid breads and starches like the plague. Sometimes I just have to have a good sushi roll, or a hard apple cider, but I'm getting better at controling myself.