Hi Fitness Pals!

minadee Posts: 44 Member
Hi All,

I was researching C25K and found this site. I'm so impressed with all of you!

I'm a 32 year old wife and mom of two girls. I work full time as a civil engineer and my life is crazy....I'm sure you all can relate. I've always considered myself to be out of shape but over the past ten years...I've gradually gained about 40 pounds. Now I'm ready to shed this extra weight and I'm coming here to start the downward spiral. I actually started C25K today and man...I have a long way to go! I have a long term goal to lose about 80 pounds, but I'll take it one day at a time. I just want to be fit for my trip to Hawaii next July to celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary.

So here goes!!! I look forward to getting fit with all of you!!!


  • Welcome to MFP. Good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me as a friend:)
  • Hello and welcome! You can do it! I have faith in you! I'm so glad you're with us!:happy:
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    Welcome aboard!
  • nays1983
    nays1983 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi there I am a working mum with two girls as well! if you want some support and motivation feel free to add me . Cheers :)
  • Welcome! I'm looking into C25k, too! Good luck!!!
  • minadee
    minadee Posts: 44 Member
    Good luck to you skyline! I'm so excited to say that I actually "ran" today! For me...that's a huge deal. I know we can do it!
  • MissKash
    MissKash Posts: 132
    Welcome aboard. Best wishes with the c25k. Feel free to friend me if u like.
  • tbear16
    tbear16 Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome to are family and feel free to add me on you journey.
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    Welcome aboard!! I hope we can help motivate each other along the way. Oh and congrats on the upcomeing 10 years :-)
  • yogabebe
    yogabebe Posts: 38
    Welcome! I'm pretty new here too and have met some great people. Feel free to add me and we can help motivate each other! :)
  • Hello ! Welcome feel free to add me xxx