Who here has been married more than once??



  • shack1157
    shack1157 Posts: 97 Member
    Married for over 32 years to my high school sweetheart! Met when we were 13 and 14 years old! Only have one child a beautiful daughter who is now 25 and married. As much enjoyment as I have had with this woman and how much I love her, I would not want to get married again if something was to happen to her! I would hate to be back into the whole dating and getting to know someone all over again! So I would just stay single and live every mimute to it fullest!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Once I separated from my first husband, I was completely sure I'd never live with a man again, let alone get married. I dated, lived alone, did my own thing, found myself, and lived a very full single life. I never in a million years thought that one of the guys I was *very casually* dating would end up being my best friend, a wonderful, supportive partner, and my fiancee.

    Our wedding is set for June 9, 2012. So much for that "NEVER" stance I took on living together and being married thing. But, I was not looking for a long-term partner when I met him, and we dated for a long time before it got serious... and if I had not gone through all of the things I did with my first husband, I don't think I'd be ready for a real marriage this time.
  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    My second marriage and hubby's first marriage. I have 3 kids from previous marriage and my hubby and I do not have children together. We have been married 17 yrs.
  • ladycomix
    ladycomix Posts: 104
    I've been married twice. The first time, I was 18, in the military and away from my controlling parents for the first time. We got married when I got orders for Hawaii...and he got orders for Korea. He's not a bad guy at ALL, but we had way too much growing up to do.

    The second time was an unmitigated disaster. Wasn't until he hit me whilst he was drunk and I was pregnant that I got out. It's been 5 years since the daredevil was born, we live across the country (moved from NC to CA) and I can somedays still feel the scars.

    Will I ever get married again? Probably not. I've got too much work to do on ME at the moment to go looking for the elusive right guy. But you know what? I'm happy this way..happier than I've ever been.
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    Have been joyfully divorced and happily single for 15 years. I made a promise to myself that I would not get involved with anyone until my youngest was 18, well he is now 25 :smile:
    By pure chance or incredible accident I have now met a person when I wasn't even looking. It's his second time around as well, so we are taking it carefully. I am not against marriage again this time however my eyes will be fully opened.
    I think there is good and bad in both sexes, it's finding the good ones that makes for an interesting adventure :wink:
  • june_warner
    june_warner Posts: 126 Member
    I got married at 18 and was married for 14 years. I got a divorce when I decided enough was enough. It was in a bad relationship from the beginning. I stayed for the kids but when my daughter seen the physical abuse that is when I took my kids and left. I have dated and I am in a relationship now. I have been with my b/f for 4 years. I do not plan on getting married to him. I am actually getting a plan in line so I can move on and be ok. I never thought I would want to get married again but I am getting older and I am having that urge to be a wife again, but with the right person. I believe there is someone out there that will love me and respect me as a woman. I am a package deal with my daughters so I know I have to be picky to find Mr. Right!!!
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    On my 2nd marriage... I was previously married for 25 years. My husband was married for 20 years. I have 2 grown girls, he has 2 grown boys. We have 2 grandkids, one from each of my daughters.

    Hubby and I have been married for over 12 years now and each year gets better. We definitely got it right this time.
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    I'm like my father~ 3rd times a charm. First married when i was 19,...beat on me one time that's all it took... i was gone. Second marriage, we lived together for 6yrs and was planning a cruise for vacation, so he said let's make it our honeymoon... we fought the entire time. Stayed 'un-happily' married till he decided he'd rather spend his time in prison than at home with me and 2 babies..(DUI'S) So, i had just about given up on finding real happiness until i ran into someone i had met a long time ago, but we were both married at the time. There was always an attraction... just couldn't do anything about it. His wife had passed away and i was single again. I think it was meant to be. I believe there's someone out there for everyone... it just might mean you have to kiss ALOT of toads before you find your prince charming:)
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm like my father~ 3rd times a charm. First married when i was 19,...beat on me one time that's all it took... i was gone. Second marriage, we lived together for 6yrs and was planning a cruise for vacation, so he said let's make it our honeymoon... we fought the entire time. Stayed 'un-happily' married till he decided he'd rather spend his time in prison than at home with me and 2 babies..(DUI'S) So, i had just about given up on finding real happiness until i ran into someone i had met a long time ago, but we were both married at the time. There was always an attraction... just couldn't do anything about it. His wife had passed away and i was single again. I think it was meant to be. I believe there's someone out there for everyone... it just might mean you have to kiss ALOT of toads before you find your prince charming:)

    I'm totally cool with kissing a LOT of toads...
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    i'm in the same boat. i'd do it again. the longer i'm single...the older i get....the pickier i get. i refuse to settle. i much rather be alone than jump into something just because i'm afraid of being alone for the rest of my life. so my search for Mr. Right continues...and i continue to have fun with the Mr. Right Now's.
    This me except opposite gender, and I can't just DO a woman. Means too much to me. Give my heart before my seed. Haven't found the right one for my heart.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    we have two daughters, 11 and 9. They love their older (half) brother and his son (my daughters' nephew!) - we work well as a blended family.

    That's awesome :) I have a little dude, and I find dating those without kids to be slightly more challenging than dating someone that has a children of his own.

    I was married at 22ish, divorced by 25ish (the divorce took 2 years, you do the math). I won sole custody of my then 11mo old daughter prior to the divorce being final. After that...I was pretty much single for about six years. Raising my daughter was far more important than dating...though, I hate(ed) being single. At that point I met my most recent ex. She basically took over as the mother of my daughter without a second thought...things were pretty incredible (we had two boys together) with the exception of a couple hickups, for about three and a half years.

    Boy oh boy did things go bad in a hurry. Just about every issue you can imagine raised its ugly head in the course of six months.

    I spent the next three or so years trying to hold my family together. We'd planned to be married in the first couple years...but never did. On our last effort, starting in about November of last year...she began planning a wedding for this past July. We split up in April when she started cheating online, and then attempted to take the kids and move 800 miles back to Arizona to live with her physically, emotionally, and sexually abusive Mother. I stopped her, and have temporary custody of the boys, my daughter was devastated, and overall...it's been one bit of nastiness after the next since.

    I really didn't think I'd find someone again...for obvious reasons. First, finding someone to trust with my own heart seemed problematic at best. Finding someone willing to accept my three children, and the issues inherent in being a step parent (more on that below), and that I could trust with THEIR hearts...even less likely.

    Thankfully, I've been proven completely wrong.

    On the step parent thing...it's a difficult road...but you have to pick someone you trust completely...because any real 'limit' on his parenting of your son, is going to put serious stress on your relationship. The right man will love your son as his own, raise him as his own, and respect/discipline him as his own. He will also put your son's welfare before even your own...as any Father should...and the fact that your welfare should come before his...shouldn't even need to be expressed. Serious interferance (more than a typical mother would, I mean) from you can only eventually breed resentment, even from the best of men, and that's never good. Trust me on this...I know because the Dad that raised me, wasn't my physical Dad...and I couldn't be luckier. Your son may or may not ever call him 'Dad'...but that doesn't negate the fact that he honestly has to be the father day in, and day out. Your son will come to recognize that, and appreciate it when he's older.
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm on my 4th and final husband! I was definitely not going to get married again, but we bought a house and had joint bank accounts and jointly owned vehicles. It just made sense from a legal perspective to get married.

    I'm still on good terms with #1 and #2. #3, however, was more than a bit psycho.
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    I have been married to my 2nd (and last!) husband for almost 5 years . . .and know he is my LOML :) I have 2 boys (15 and 26) from previous marriage, and we have a daughter together who just turned 4.

    We're all on good terms with my ex--no worries or problems there so that makes life easier . . .and I just found out I'm going to be a grandma next spring!

    Life is good

    (PS--I had to kiss alot of toads. . .let me just say--WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!)
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I've been single three years now & no one has met my son. I date... My son dies not need to take that journey with me. If I meet the right guy that time will come... Just haven't gotten there yet;-)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I've been single three years now & no one has met my son. I date... My son dies not need to take that journey with me. If I meet the right guy that time will come... Just haven't gotten there yet;-)

    Oh, I agree completely...particularly as a woman. Men can be real jerks to a child they see as competition for your attention, whether purposefully or not. And it's not always in ways you'll pick up on, because you just don't have the necessary biological equipment to get the signals lol. Your son, even at his young age...does...and he can be easily intimidated due to that age, which is bad.

    For me...in a dating scenario...it's important that they meet (not immediately, but you get the idea), but see us as friends. It's necessary to see how they interact, etc. Contact is kept to a minimum for obvious reasons...but until they DO meet, there is no way to know how things will go. I have a bit more control over that than you might, due to my circumstances I think though.

    It always makes me wonder why people can't just do the necessary things in order to keep their initial commitment. The children deserve so much more than they usually get in these scenarios. I mean, I came out ahead with my Dad...but I'm in the definite minority.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Not yet :laugh:

    Im a bit of a marriage cynic and Ive become ridiculously independent over the years. Im not sure Id really do it again.
    The romantic in me would love nothing more than to fall helplessly in love forever though. sigh
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    I've been single three years now & no one has met my son. I date... My son dies not need to take that journey with me. If I meet the right guy that time will come... Just haven't gotten there yet;-)

    smart girl. i dated a guy...lived with him for 4 years. my daughter was 2 and a half when we moved in...up until she was finished grade 1. he was a huge part of her life...but not. there was no bond there. but that break up was harder on her than myself. i swore i would never put her thru that again. 3 years later she has no idea i date. she doesn't know names or any part of my "adult" life. she's almost 9 now and very smart....i don't know how much longer i can keep her in the dark.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I would marry again if the right person came along- I'm not shutting myself off to that possibility, but I'm not looking for it, either.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Maybe my divorce is still too fresh but as much as the romantic in me would love to get married..it hurt so muc that I can't imagine even loving anyone else again. Sometimes I think I might like to date but I never meet anyone. When I tried online dating before it was pretty horrible. So I sit home watching adult swim and taking care of my son. Pathetic I know.
  • Rlbarrera
    Rlbarrera Posts: 5 Member
    Been there, done that...twice. I'm not opposed to marriage and I wouldn't say I'm a cynic, I'm just very cautious. When you have kids you just have to be that much more careful.