knee pain when running!

I have been doing C25k and I just finished Week 3. I have been doing this back to back with maybe one rest day. I have been running on the treadmill and outside but tonight while running outside my MCL gave me some problems when I first started running and bothered me a little into my work-out also. Am I overdoing it or what?


  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Have you been to a real running store and fitted for shoes? If not that would be my next stop. It's so important to have proper shoes for your gait to help prevent injuries.

    Edit: Definitely don't be doing this every day.

    I just finished W9D3 this week, and I'm just running 5Ks to train for speed now before a race next month. It's not good to run everyday.
  • bourgeoisk
    bourgeoisk Posts: 16 Member
    I just finished week 3 as well. I'm following the program as intended with a day in between each session. I supplement with 30 day shred on the days I'm off from C25K. It may be you are overdoing it. From all the research I've done it's best to follow the program as intended and go slowly. That was the hardest thing for me to do. I've learned not to pay attention to my speed or even distance yet. It's all about running the entire assigned interval.

    Rest and ice your knee. As someone who's had two knee surgeries, they aren't anything to mess with.

    Good luck!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    You may be overdoing it a bit, you may be doing other exercises to exacerbate it, or you may just not be stretching properly every time you run. When I started running I developed patellar tendonitis and it's pretty bad. The only fix is to rest it, which is not an option currently so NSAIDS, ice, and proper stretching is a must. Make sure to stretch before and after your runs, and use the foam roller on the floor to roll out the side of your leg from hip to knee. Also be careful with stairs, squats, lunges, etc. Form is key with these because if you don't keep your weight in your heels, it'll strain your knee. Hope this helps! And good luck with your runs :)
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    Do you know that the c25k is only supposed to be done 3 times a week with at least 1 rest day in between sessions?
    Listen to your body. Why dont you try having an active rest day in between run days? Walking is great exercise and a little bit kinder on your knees. Or you could do a weights session or swimming or ride a bike.
    When you have built up your endurance and you can comfortably run for 5-10km then maybe think about increasing your runs per week.
    To be honest I dont know too many people who run every day, its just too hard on the body.
  • I'm not sure if your over doing it, but have you considered swimming. It's way easier and burns allot of calories. When I use to have knee pains I would lay on my side and do 80 leg lifts on each leg every day until the pain goes away. I rarely have to do it may be every Six months. Good luck! crissyyoung
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    I do know it is supposed to be done 3 times a week but I have been doing it mostly on the treadmill and I have been fine so I continue since I get a better work-out running. I may just need to rest my knee until Tuesday and do a rest day in between and see how it feels I am new to running so thanks for the advice.
    Do you know that the c25k is only supposed to be done 3 times a week with at least 1 rest day in between sessions?
    Listen to your body. Why dont you try having an active rest day in between run days? Walking is great exercise and a little bit kinder on your knees. Or you could do a weights session or swimming or ride a bike.
    When you have built up your endurance and you can comfortably run for 5-10km then maybe think about increasing your runs per week.
    To be honest I dont know too many people who run every day, its just too hard on the body.
  • vaston
    vaston Posts: 38 Member
    I have been doing C25k and I just finished Week 3. I have been doing this back to back with maybe one rest day. I have been running on the treadmill and outside but tonight while running outside my MCL gave me some problems when I first started running and bothered me a little into my work-out also. Am I overdoing it or what?

    You should consider switching to a neutral foot strike or a forefoot strike. If you go to a running store to be fitted they will probably tell you that you are pronating when you heel strike with your running, then you will have to buy a special pronating shoe. There is a large movement out there pushing people away from heel strike running, encouraging forefoot or neutral strike running. Heel strike running is known for causing knee problems.

    Check out this website:

    It's a study done my Harvard about foot strike, and it is very enlightening. Many people with knee problems from running experience complete relief when they switch to the forefoot strike. Your calves will be extremely sore for the first little while, but your body will adjust. I know the site has a lot of info, but please read it!

    Good luck!
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I found that my knees hurt initially, even though I was not doing it everyday. What made the difference for me was running on a trail or track vs. the sidewalk or road. They give more and there is less strain on my joints. I also got a better pair of shoes. Those two things made a world of difference for me. But, last week I was on vacation and worked out on the treadmill at the hotel and I noticed that my knees were hurting by the end of the week, so I know it is definately better for me to be on a trail or track with more give.
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    I do know it is supposed to be done 3 times a week but I have been doing it mostly on the treadmill and I have been fine so I continue since I get a better work-out running. I may just need to rest my knee until Tuesday and do a rest day in between and see how it feels I am new to running so thanks for the advice.
    Do you know that the c25k is only supposed to be done 3 times a week with at least 1 rest day in between sessions?
    Listen to your body. Why dont you try having an active rest day in between run days? Walking is great exercise and a little bit kinder on your knees. Or you could do a weights session or swimming or ride a bike.
    When you have built up your endurance and you can comfortably run for 5-10km then maybe think about increasing your runs per week.
    To be honest I dont know too many people who run every day, its just too hard on the body.

    If you are interested, have a look at the runningahead website. There is so much really great information on there specifically about running. There is a whole section just for new runners.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Are you doing proper stretching afterwards?