30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11 - 2nd Monday Check In

I know it's not technically Monday yet, but I'm going to be busy tomorrow and not sure when I will get on the computer!

1) Weight and measurements -
8/22/11 8/28/11
*Weight - 242.0 237.5
*Neck - 14 14
*Waist - 39 38
*Chest - 49 49
*HIps - 50 48
*Arm - 14 14
*Thigh - 24 21
*Calf - 17 16.5

So folks, that's 4.5 pounds and 6.5 inches gone! Impressive enough to only HATE the pushups and not DESPISE them! :o)

2) Comments (The good, the bad, the ugly!) Try to keep any moans and groans light hearted.
*I really like that it is only 20 minutes. On days that I REALLY don't want to exercise telling myself it's ONLY 20 minutes helps me to get it done. For those of you who follow my diary, I log 30 because I march in place during all the things I can't skip through.

3) NSV (non scale victories) - this could include clothes fitting better, not wanting that second peice of whatever your trigger food is, or any compliments you receive.
* My eating has definitely been cleaner since I"ve been working out, I don't feel like I can put "crap" in my body after sweating like a pig for 20 minutes.
*My tummy doesn't hang over my jean shorts that I wear almost every day!

Can't wait to see everyone elses progress!


  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    bump for later
  • MeAgain2011
    MeAgain2011 Posts: 66 Member
    NICE WORK!!!
    I know it's not technically Monday yet, but I'm going to be busy tomorrow and not sure when I will get on the computer!

    1) Weight and measurements -
    8/22/11 8/28/11
    *Weight - 242.0 237.5
    *Neck - 14 14
    *Waist - 39 38
    *Chest - 49 49
    *HIps - 50 48
    *Arm - 14 14
    *Thigh - 24 21
    *Calf - 17 16.5

    So folks, that's 4.5 pounds and 6.5 inches gone! Impressive enough to only HATE the pushups and not DESPISE them! :o)

    2) Comments (The good, the bad, the ugly!) Try to keep any moans and groans light hearted.
    *I really like that it is only 20 minutes. On days that I REALLY don't want to exercise telling myself it's ONLY 20 minutes helps me to get it done. For those of you who follow my diary, I log 30 because I march in place during all the things I can't skip through.

    3) NSV (non scale victories) - this could include clothes fitting better, not wanting that second peice of whatever your trigger food is, or any compliments you receive.
    * My eating has definitely been cleaner since I"ve been working out, I don't feel like I can put "crap" in my body after sweating like a pig for 20 minutes.
    *My tummy doesn't hang over my jean shorts that I wear almost every day!

    Can't wait to see everyone elses progress!
  • BlondeViki
    BlondeViki Posts: 33 Member
    I wish I'd had the results you are seeing.

    I'm on day 8/10 Level 1 now, as I am still running 5k on 3 nights a week.

    1) Measurements

    I've lost no weight this week, in fact the scale reckon i'm 0.4 pounds up, only a tiny bit but very demotivating given all the extra exercise I've done this week.

    Waist/hips are about the same too but I'll give this more time.

    I don't know if it's because I'm close to goal weight, but I was hoping for slightly better results at this stage!

    2) Comments

    See above. I'm finding it really easy to slot the workout in because of it only being short and it really does make me sweat, so I'm glad that it's obviously making me work. I'm going to keep it up and move on to level 2 in a couple of days and hope for better results next week.

    3) NSV

    None as yet, other than feeling quite pleased that I pushed through 8 days of this and kept up my running despite all the aches and pains.
  • linbaby4
    linbaby4 Posts: 96 Member
    2nd monday check in :)
    Level 1 day 8

    1) Weight and measurements
    I started out at 150. I am now 148 :)
    -A 2 pound lose!!!
    Still have no measurements yet! Trying to do them this week

    2) Comments (The good, the bad, the ugly!)
    I have to say this work out is really growing on me. I kinda feel incomplete if I dont do it . And that has never happened for me regarding working out since I was like 13-14 and missed a gymnastics practice lol. I have to agree that I love that it is only 20 mins I also log 25-27 mins because I do the abs twice and sometimes cardio twice. I just hope my comments will be similar on level 2 lol :)

    3) NSV (non scale victories)
    For the past couple of days my dad has been calling me skinny and poking my stomach everytime I see him! So of course with him being so fit for his age I feel on top of the world (I'm a complete daddy's girl; If ya can't tell lol). I went to work for the first time in about 2 weeks or so and my work pant were sooo baggy!! And my last NSV would have to be just feeling lighter everyday. I have yet to stick with a workout beyond a week so I am so over the moon with these results that I will not stop!!!

    Hope everyone has amazing results!!
    Bring on Level 2 :D
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    1) Weight and measurements
    8/22 - 8/29
    Weight: 238.4 -> 236.4
    Neck: 17 -> 16.75
    Bust: 51.5 -> 50
    Waist: 46.5 -> 44.75
    Hips: 53 -> 51
    Bicep(R): 13.75 -> 13.5
    Bicep(L): 14 ->13.5
    Thigh(R): 27.5 -> 26.5
    Thigh(L): 27 -> 26.5

    2lbs & 7.75 inches gone!! :bigsmile:
    Also around -3%BF (using an online calculator to track progress rather than the worrying abt accuracy of the specific number)

    2) Comments (The good, the bad, the ugly!)
    - I could not be happier right now. I was daunted after my first couple days and the pain my thighs were in (oh gods I felt maimed!) but after recovering and moving forward through the week I progressively felt stronger and had more endurance. Even when its hotter than hades in my apartment and I don't want to move and the thought of listening to Jillian makes me want to throw things, I remind myself its only 20 mins of intense work and its worth the effort.

    3) NSV (non scale victories)
    - I feel more confident in my day to day life, I hold my head a littler higher, & I am sleeping better than ever (possibly due to exhaustion lol)
    - S/O has been emphatic in noticing the changes in my body this week
    - when I poke/prod certain areas (*cough*tummy*cough*) I can feel a firmness that definitely wasn't there a week ago!
    - my clothes... oh my clothes - they are fitting so much better, a couple are even getting to the loose/baggy/saggy point. EXCITING!

    All in all I'm extremely happy with the results and expect that they will keep me motivated as the weeks go on!
  • CandyR1018
    CandyR1018 Posts: 101 Member
    Looks like good results for most everyone! I think mine are so drastic is because I am NOT in the habit of a real work out. Sometimes I'll walk in the evenings but that is with my 4 year old son, so it's not like i get real winded like i do w/ Jillian!

    I am TERRIFIED to go to the next level!
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    Sorry I didn't check in yesterday! I don't plan to measure until the end. It kinda gives it a bigger "bang" that seems to make me more inclined to continued =)

    It seems to be getting easier and I am ready (kinda) for Level 2......it's hard but I can do it. I am ready for some BIG losses this month!
  • statia152
    You all are doing wonderfully! I can relate to your inches lost -- who knew that inches melted away so quickly? I found that level 2 requires coordination, something that I am lacking. But by day 4 I had the moves. Still hate doing the planks, but today will be my first try at Level 3. I'm not sure what happened to my group, only three out of 12 (ish) left. Some could be due to Hurricane Irene, but its sad to see them drop away. You all keep going strong and walk tall and proud -- you guys are awesome!
  • CandyR1018
    CandyR1018 Posts: 101 Member
    You all are doing wonderfully! I can relate to your inches lost -- who knew that inches melted away so quickly? I found that level 2 requires coordination, something that I am lacking. But by day 4 I had the moves. Still hate doing the planks, but today will be my first try at Level 3. I'm not sure what happened to my group, only three out of 12 (ish) left. Some could be due to Hurricane Irene, but its sad to see them drop away. You all keep going strong and walk tall and proud -- you guys are awesome!

    Thanks for the encouragement, we've had members drop off too, and also have members who can't seem to find us. If I have time today I'm going to send out some messages to see if they can find us!

    I'm supposed to start level 2 tomorrow and I am not sure if I am looking forward to it or not!
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member

    Thanks for the encouragement, we've had members drop off too, and also have members who can't seem to find us. If I have time today I'm going to send out some messages to see if they can find us!

    I'm supposed to start level 2 tomorrow and I am not sure if I am looking forward to it or not!

    Well if it makes you feel any better, I am starting Level 2 tomorrow as well and I KNOW I am not looking forward to it LOL This is my second time to do the Shred and Level 2 is by far the hardest of them all. With that said, I KNOW you can do it if I did it back in May. To me, Level 3 was much easier than Level 2 but even so, by Day 3 or 4 you will have the moves down and the profuse sweating and lack of being able to breath is a sign that it's working. Hang in there. Before long we will ALL be "shredded" and look back and say "Wow, that wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be and I feel SO GREAT". Until then........Happy Shredding!
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    Hi. I got my dvd last night and started Day 1 L1 today. I am a bit unfit at the moment, but though the push-ups and strength training things were pretty tough, and I do think my thighs are going to be in real pain tomorrow, I reckon I'll get this level down soon enough. I'm so excited. I want a flat tummy! :) I'm going to take measurements tomorrow. My before photos were horrifying!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    8/22 8/29

    weight 152.2 148
    body fat % 27.6 26.2
    waist 28.5 28.5
    hips 41 40.75
    arms 11.75 11.5
    legs 23.75 23.5