Has anyone used Fat burners?? Opinions

:smile: Has anyone on here used fat burners along with diet and exercise?? If so what did you think and how were your results?? Thanks


  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    I've used every OTC and a few prescription diet/weight loss pills and I can say this for all of them: Yes, they ALL provide one level of success or another...HOWEVER...after I stopped taking them, the weight piled back on...and then some. I'm trying weight loss the healthy way this time and I don't feel weird or shaky or out of control. I feel amazing!! I've only lost 19 pounds, and, sure, I have 81 to go before I reassess, however I can tell you that, from my own experience, I'd rather lose weight slowly, be healthy and have a liver that is healthy when I get to my ultimate goal weight rather than taking it off quickly and risk putting it all back on.