Many the miles: Week 1 [CLOSED GROUP]



  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Sorry I've MIA this first week. I'm starting a new degree in a new university, in a new country, and so I've been very stressful this week. I also think i'll have to reduce my routine workout because I have so much to do at school :( ... but i'll see..

    I had planned to run 2 times 3.1miles and then walk and back to the university today (4 miles in total). I didn't had time to complete my first full 3.1 on Tuesday, so I ran 1 mile and walked 0.5 miles and then I ran my complete 3.1 miles yesterday (Thursday). I'll walk today to the university and I plan to have another walk this weekend.
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    Alright - everyone ready for the long weekend?:drinker: It is suppose to be fairly decent around here so I should get plenty of walking/running/exercising in. I hope so, cause I have been slacking the last couple of nights - well, not really slacking, but things going on with the family. My daughter ran her first cross country meet yesterday. She was really nervous - I don't know why though. She has got running in her blood. Her time was about 18 minutes for 2.5 miles.

    My goals this weekend:
    I will not sit around and do nothing! I will get up each morning and go for a run and do 6p6w! I will allow myself to enjoy family picnics/bbq's but will eat in moderation!
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    you can add two more miles to my total. :) when does our week begin/end? Is Friday the end of the week? I won't get any more walking in today, but I have a run planned for tomorrow and a 4 mile hike planned for Monday. :)
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    As we head into the weekend, some of you still have some catching up to do so get to it! You've got until Sunday to get those miles in! :)

    defygravity531- Our week is Monday-Sunday.

    CharlotteintheUSA- Don't worry about it. Make sure to get all settled in and enjoy your first weeks in...VA? (where are you originally from?)

    thamre- That's so awesome about your daughter!! Also, those weekend plans sound really good. Just keep on moving!!

    mariawells: 9 miles-DONE
    sineadangele1: 8 miles-DONE
    thamre: 11 miles-DONE
    kbeach08: 12.6+miles-DONE
    mariababe81: 3.4 miles

    patriot201: 3.8 miles
    defygravity531: 6 miles
    CharlotteintheUSA: 4.6

    fit_chica69: Unknown distance, but has been walking :)
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    We got a new member! Please welcome Leslye125 to our group! :)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    sorry for being MIA! work is manic and being a full time working mummy means i have very precious time on the net! lol!

    anyhoo i managed a 10.2k run today which mean my total for this week is 9.9miles! :bigsmile:
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    :smile: Hey everyone! I am so sorry that I am such a late arrival. I hadn't "officially" heard from Maria when I asked to be a part of the challenge, but I did get started on Tuesday. :smile: Unfortunately I got sick on Wednesday and Thursday, but I will get caught up by Sunday. My goal is 10 miles a week of combination running and walking. I am trying to get in shape for a half marathon, ultimately a full one maybe in a year. Baby steps... I am so excited to be a part of this challenge and working with you ladies. I need someone to hold me accountable for my excercise.

    Monday - Walk 2.3 miles 50 minutes
    Tuesday - Run/Walk 2.5 miles 30 minutes
  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    Hello again!

    I'm originally from Montreal, Canada.

    And I walked, today, I walked! At least 4 miles going to the university and back, but also xxx miles visiting many art galleries.

    Have a good week end everyone!
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Happy Saturday, everyone!

    mariababe- You are doing great! Your long run sounded like a lot of fun. Any plans for a half marathon? ;)

    Leslye125- Welcome to our challenge! That's amazing that you wanna do a full marathon. I finally decided to be brave and do one next year, possibly in the spring to avoid summer training. You'll see how FAST the weight starts melting off once you start running. It's amazing!

    CharlotteintheUSA- Great catching up! Hope you're loving your new home and school.

    mariawells: 9 miles-DONE
    sineadangele1: 8 miles-DONE
    thamre: 11 miles-DONE
    kbeach08: 12.6+miles-DONE
    mariababe81: 9.99 miles-DONE
    CharlotteintheUSA: 8.6 miles-DONE

    patriot201: 7.8 miles
    defygravity531: 6 miles
    Leslye125: 4.8 miles

    fit_chica69: Unknown distance, but has been going on 20 min walks :)
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    I walked 3 miles & ran 3 miles last night. This morning I walked 4 miles. I am not going to get any walking time in next week as my work schedule is going to be crazy, so I will do a bunch this weekend.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    oh by the way chaps my name is Mariam! so that should avoid confusing maria and i! lol!

    maria: im not sure- i would love to be able to attempt a half marathon! after my 5k im going to sign up for a 10k in march! im also going to join my local runnning club! im really enjoying it! i used to think was a lone runner but i quite enjoyed running with my friend yesterday!
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Yay, it's only Saturday afternoon and 9 of us have completed the challenge!!

    fit_chica69: Have you ever used that may give you an idea of how far you go so you can keep track and kick all out butts! :)

    mariawells: 9 miles-DONE
    sineadangele1: 8 miles-DONE
    thamre: 11 miles-DONE
    kbeach08: 12.6+miles-DONE
    mariababe81: 9.99 miles-DONE
    CharlotteintheUSA: 8.6 miles-DONE
    defygravity531: 9 miles-DONE
    Leslye125: 9miles-DONE
    patriot201: 10.8 miles

    fit_chica69: Unknown distance, but has been going on 20 min walks :)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hey ladies!

    on saturday i managed a 2mile walk and this morning i ran for 5.5miles (9k)
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member

    Look for a new thread for Week 2! :)