The Diamond Challenge: Round 5: Wk 2 - Little Diamond's



  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?
    I like anything that smells fresh and clean. I'm not big on vanilla scents though because of morning sickeness years ago with my son. I also love the smell of the ocean because it makes me feel so relaxed and happy.
  • hwilliams519
    This is going to sound really weird...but I love the smell of men's old spice deodorant. lol. It's just a nice manly smell. It's better than cologne in my opinion.

    And it's funny how certain shampoos or perfumes can remind me of a certain time in my life.
  • hwilliams519
    Oh, and I LOVE the smell of Lavendar! So relaxing!


    By the way, I will be out of state for some training for my job Sept 12th-16th. But I think I should be able to use my phone to check the message board and check in with my partner. I just may be late on the weigh in. Prob won't have a scale at the hotel, so I might have to weigh in first thing Saturday morning. Is that okay?
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    Well...first off...Weekly Challenge: up to 67 oz of H20 today!!

    My favorite smell - saddle this day it can still bring me back to 9 years old and my first lesson horse, a big chestnut warmblood named Bert...the MOST forgiving horse I've ever had the pleasure to ride :-)
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    the smell of a baby, they smell so clean. the smell of chiles poblanos being roasted, reminds me of my mom and her cooking. the smell of gas, i have no idea why, but i like it... oh and the smell of pine. whether it's the christmas tree or pine-sol, lol.

    LOL it's TRUE!!! I love the smell of gas too!!! I think its because it reminds me of my daddy, he was a mechanic and always smelled of gas and oil :-)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    This is going to sound really weird...but I love the smell of men's old spice deodorant. lol. It's just a nice manly smell. It's better than cologne in my opinion.

    And it's funny how certain shampoos or perfumes can remind me of a certain time in my life.

    So funny - I actually use men's deodorant. I like Axe and Old Spice -- basically anything they market to guys to attract ladies? You know they must have focus groups of ladies smelling them and telling them if they like the scents or not.

    In the beginning it was just because I'd stay over at my BFs but after the first time I wore it to work and kept looking up and thinking "Mmmmm who smells like BOY....oh tis ME!" I was kind of hooked. So we both just use the same one.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    My grandmother's (we call her Honey) perfume, and simply the scents I associate with her. I am really close to my grandmother and always have been. She is a beautiful, loving, elegant woman and I have always said I want to be just like her. She has worn the same perfume my whole life and she sometimes sprays gifts and cards with it. I wrote a poem about her a few years ago and I mentioned some of the things we associate with her. The first stanza went something like, "Her scent is like just-picked flowers or the sugar water she puts out for the birds. Her scent is like Honey, because that's what we call her. My beautiful, eighty-year-old grandmother who got her first kiss at twenty-one, and that was from my grandfather." (She's eighty-eight now ;) and still as beautiful and elegant as ever.)
  • Mandyw58
    Mandyw58 Posts: 99 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    My favourite smells are probably strawberry and cinnamon. No reason, I just like them. I also love the smell of the ocean.
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    I love the smell of spring, tomorrow is the first day of Spring here and as I was walking to pick my son up from School today I could smell that lovely fragrant flower smell in the air, it just put a smile on my face :smile: , that and the fact it means that the cold weather will soon be gone, yay!!

    Also love the smell of freshly washed and dried sheets on the bed, oh and cut grass!!
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    There are a lot of smells I really like! I like the smell of the ocean. When I fly somewhere on holidays and I get of the plane, I like it when I get off the plane and the first thing I feel is all the hot air and the smell of the ocean!

    Something else I also really love is the smell of good food, I like it when I come home to my mom and the house smells of food and also when I cook myself. I often smell the food before I taste it. It is delicious, when it is freshly made and with a lot of herbs and spices.

    I also like the smell of christmas, including Christmas Tree, Candles, Christmas cookies.
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    My response:
    I have a terrible time drinking my 64oz of water so I'm hoping to make this a habit. I have a 52oz Bubba Mug that I want to start filling up every morning (around 8am EST) and have it empty before I leave work (5pm EST) plus I normally drink a 16.9 oz bottle of water while i'm at the gym. If I can manage to make this a habit, I will be getting 68.9oz of water a day Mon-Fri...not sure how to get it during the weekend :grumble:
  • Rubyjjones
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    My Response:
    I hope to gain more patience and realize that I will not always have a good week and to stick with it and NOT get discouraged!
  • LoraEllen
    Always understanding and being aware of PORTION CONTROL!!! That has been a huge hurdle over the years for me because my idea of a "portion" has always been distorted. I am doing much better with this since I've been on MFP and hope to make small portions all throughout the day my new normal.

    Have a great day!
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    Usually I don't eat breakfast before I leave for work! I hope I can change this during this challenge!
  • balowry1
    balowry1 Posts: 85
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    I need to drink more water. I really don't like to drink water, so we shall see if I can make it a habit to drink the right for me.
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    Since joining MFP and tracking my food I have noticed that my sodium intake is way too high. I am usually always on the go and like to eat quick meals which are higher in sodium. So I have started making changes in my diet to decrease my sodium intake.
  • Mandyw58
    Mandyw58 Posts: 99 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    I've been struggling with my water intake for awhile. I always carry around my nalgene filled with water and I have an android app that reminds me to drink regularly, and I still can't seem to make the 8 cups. I usually manage around 6, so I'm going to continue working on that this challenge.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    While I drink a lot of water (8-10 cups a day), I usually flavor it with propel. I am trying to drink more plain water and hope to continue to do so during this challenge. Also, four months ago I drank diet pepsi from morning until night. Now I am down to one 24 oz bottle every morning. I would like to get down to one 12 oz bottle a morning (but I'm not willing to give it all up - I still need my caffeine to function at 7:30 a.m.! I know some of you probably feel that that is still bad for me, but it is one vice that I am keeping right now.)
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Wednesday QOTD:

    I would say that the habit I hope to pick up is just really being aware of what I am consuming and no having to look it up every time. Also recognize that since I do strength training and work out a lot I should consume more protein
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I would like to gain more exercise.