
stresco Posts: 354 Member
Hello everyone. I am new to this site, but not to the fitness scene. I used to be very competitive in sports and bodybuilding up until I my first son was born, then life just got in the way. I put on 50lbs of FAT over 11 years and decided to do something about it 2 years ago. I have been struggling to drop the weight with very little success (15lbs)... I was stuck in old ways of training, and my body just wasn't responding the way it used to. It was frustrating. Then my girlfriend asked me to go with her to her "Kickboxing" class, to be supportive I joined her. I've been hooked ever since. It was totally different from any other cardio exercise that I have ever done before. I HATE cardio. Absolutely HATE it! It is mind numbingly repetitive running on a treadmill or elliptical. But this is FUN. I even hired the instructor as my personal trainer and nutritionist. He is making me calorie count (never done it before, only used to worry about my protein and carb intake) so to make my life easier I, like many other techies out there, went looking for an iPhone app and found this one. Its very useful and convenient to have on my phone.

Since I found this site 1 week ago, along with the new training routines, I lost 10lbs.

My goals is to get down to 190lbs by Nov. Wish me luck.