Looking for motivation and support?! Join the Diamonds!

Hello potential Diamonds!!

****Important note: There is a FOUR step sign-up process listed below. Be sure to follow the 4 steps!****

We are currently looking for anyone interested in “buddying up” for a weight loss challenge! Each Round lasts 4 weeks, and we are currently in Round 5. The object is to stick to our fitness goals with a partner. You are partnered with your buddy, but you are also a member of a division--Diamonds in the Rough or the Little Diamonds. Further, each division is broken into three color teams. Each week the team that loses the most will get bragging rights and the opportunity to add a digital trophy to their signature. We also celebrate individual victories. We have a weekly forum that Diamonds participate in daily as well as weekly fitness Challenges (chosen by our “biggest loser”). The Diamond Challenge is a REAL commitment! Our participants are a group of very dedicated ladies who push one another towards their goals. Participation is key, so if you don’t know if you can commit fully to your team and your partner, than this challenge is not for you!

1. Check in with your buddy every day via MESSAGING (not just on forums)
2. Check your division thread regularly
3. Say as much as possible when writing to your buddy and when writing on the forum
4. Post the Question of the Day on your assigned day**
5. Use your team logo in your signature.
6. Submit your weekly loss or gain.

Unfortunately, each round we have to remove a few participants who fail to adhere to these guidelines... don't let that be you!

Want more info? The lovely miss_jamaica, leader of the LittleDiamonds as well as Founder of The Diamond Challenge put together a very informative video that can be watched here (less than 2 minutes!!)

You want this?! COME GET IT!

So, how do you sign up? There are four easy steps!

1. Watch the Diamond Challenge video

2. Reply to this thread with your name AND reason for joining The Diamonds Challenge (your REAL reason... tell us what is motivating you!)

3. Follow this link and complete the registration form :


4. CAREFULLY read the The Diamonds Challenge rules and FAQ:


My response:
My name is Jennifer, and I joined the Diamond Challenge 10 weeks ago because I needed a kick in my butt! I was getting lazy and craved support and motivation. Since then I have met some amazing ladies and made some incredibly supportive friends, all of whom I credit my progress to!!

**We are currently in Round 5, ladies who register will be placed on a waiting list. This list can move down fairly quickly!! Don’t miss your chance! When we have teamed you up we will be in touch!**


  • KeeleySue
    KeeleySue Posts: 158
    I'd love to join! My name is Keeley and I really need some motivation. Some weeks are better than others but I really want to stay on track from here on out so I need someone to be accountable too.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I'd love to join too. I have been looking for something new to help me get re committed. I have been a slacker for the summer and I really want to get back on the wagon.

    Thank you
  • Choirgirl37

    I'm 39, fun and active. The reason I want to join this challenge is because after winning the Biggest Loser Challenge at work, I discovered that I do better in a challenge rather than alone. The other reason I really want to lose weight is because if I don't, I may never have children :-( Also, I want to be a source of inspiration for several family members who struggle with their weight. I have PCOS, which is aggravated by extra weight -but the Dr. says all of my symptoms will go away if I lose weight. So here I am, ready and will to take on a new challenge.
  • klwa
    klwa Posts: 61
    I'm Kathy, and SO tired of going up and down with my weight. I lost several pounds about 6 months ago, when I was participating in a challenge. After that was over, it has gradually crept back on. I'm ready to get it off, and KEEP it off, this time. I obviously need some accountability, and think this may do the trick!
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    Hi I'm Susie. I love the idea of partnering up with someone to keep each other accountable. I am trying to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I have a lot of support and encouragement to offer! :)
  • DiamondsInTheRough
    Welcome Ladies! You all have been added to our master list. When there is a spot available one of the leaders will be in touch with you :)